ASOIAF Theories: Tyanna & Visenya's Secret: Maegors Unnatural Birth

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One of the three queens that would eventually come to rule King Maegor Targaryen was the Pentoshi witch, Tyanna. She was called The mistress of whispers. Tyanna had pale skin and dark black hair and It was said that she could speak to spiders and rats, who would come to her in the night and tell her of those who spoke negatively of Maegor. It was said that no secret could be kept from her within the red keep.

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Could Tyanna have been a skinchanger who could see through the eyes of spiders and rats while she slept? We know of skinchangers in Essos.


I was a little confused cause after about 5minutes of listening to childbirth of monstrous creatures i had an ad "if you are pregnant it is time...." for some pregnancy supplement. These companies really know how to sell their stuff😅


I've suspected that Aegon was actually the infertile one. Visenya was loyal to Aegon but Rhaenys would take lovers when her husband wasn't looking, and could have become pregnant by one of them. At some point Visenya must have realized it was her husband who was infertile, not her, and she did what she felt she had to do to conceive a child.


I love this channel. I appreciate the hard work that goes into these videos. Thanks for sharing your Ideas. Keep up the great work


Thanks for focusing on the witches of a song of ice and fire


I absolutely love this channel. It’s so chill and so informative.
You should be a professor or something, man.


I love this Theory, tho I think Maegor was a necessary evil, one to save the monarchy from the faith and Vysenia was definitely working for the survival of the Targ line.


I always thought everything we knew about Maegor and Visenya was a smear campaign by the faith who at the time and probably still are against the targs. Yes probably most of the stuff on them is true but I thought the torture of viserys was and Aneys death everything else was taken to the extremes to make them look extreme.


Man Quinn when you read from fire and blood, makes me wanna go back and read those pages again.I vvisualize the content so much more and take on the subject your covering is spot on good job .


I wondered if sorcery was involved in Maegor's conception, considering Visenya's circumstances it does seem likely to me. A forced conception through sorcery resulting in a barren heir, which Maegor certainly was in my opinion, makes a lot of sense as we all know magic is dangerous and costly in this story.


Maegor was a badass who saved the Targaryans without doubt.
I love your spooky music. It gives me the creeps.


Saying that Tyanna did what she did because she was forced by Meagor takes unessecarily responsibility away from her. Atrocities like the proscription lists that doomed many people to death and torture where not ideas of Meagor. That was her doing as a sort of master of whispers.
Meagor was not the only monster in this story.


You are always so eloquent when you talk, even in a live setting! Thank you for all that you do! She is a character that we are all still getting to know and I love your examination on her. I think that you are on to something with her keeping Visenya's secrets.


Morgane was the very first comparison that jumped into my mind when I saw both the description and then further, the gorgeous pictures of Tyanna in Fire & Blood! I love this channel and I love this series on "witches" from ASOIAF.


I came to your channel for the Dune content (having a strong fondness for the film), but you’ve managed to make ASOIF as compelling to me as I find Dune, and motivated me to read both sagas. Thanks for all your content. I really enjoy all of it.


Visenya is a true queen. Easily my favorite targ.


The Mists of Avalon is such a f*cking amazing book. If people are into the mythology and the "topic" or "theme" in general, they will *love* this book. 📖❤🕯


I have always thought that Viseyna brought back Maegor in a Thoros/Beric sorta way and played it off after she sent for the two women. Brilliant video so glad I'm not the only one seeing connections.. Think Alys Rivers the Witch Queen connected as well now also?


This world is so rich and I love it. Keep up the good work dude!


The sound in the background works very well in this Gem of a story.
