What Should I Wear & What Hiking Gear Should I Bring WINTER HIKING? | WINTER HIKING GEAR + Tips

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What Should I Wear & What Hiking Gear Should I Bring Winter Hiking? | Winter Hiking Gear + Tips // Trying to figure out what to wear winter hiking? How no idea what hiking gear you’ll need or what to wear hiking in the winter?

In this video, I’m going to show you all of my favorite winter hiking gear including all of the winter hiking essentials like my favorite winter hiking outfit, winter hiking layering system and all of the winter hiking gear I bring with me for a winter hike or snowshoe hike. I’ll also share with you some of my most favorite winter hiking tips and how to plan and prepare for your next winter hike.

Hiking in the winter is a whole lot different than hiking in the summer. Your favorite summer hike might be dangerous in the winter. Hiking in the winter can also be harder and generally takes longer than hiking in the summer because it’s colder outside, there’s more obstacles out on trail like snow, making it more physically exhausting and there’s less daylight, making for shorter days.

Winter hiking helps extend your hiking season, making it possible to hike all year-round. It’s also great physical training for the upcoming backpacking season. With winter hiking, you’ll want to make sure you pack the right hiking gear for the right conditions. Don’t start planning your next winter hike until you’ve watched this video!





The Confident Solo Female Backpacker System is a comprehensive, self-paced, online backpacking program for women, designed to help you go from feeling scared and intimidated about backpacking alone to feeling comfortable with planning your own adventure so that you can feel confident getting out on trail for your first or next solo overnight backpacking trip.

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#WinterHiking #HikingGear #TheHungryHiker
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One of the MANY reasons why I love winter hiking is because it extends my hiking season, making it so I can hike year-round. I also love that winter hiking is a full body workout, helping me to stay in shape for the upcoming backpacking season. Plus, there’s less crowds out on trail during the winter and there’s no bugs! What’s your favorite thing about winter hiking? Tell me in the comments below.


I’m having so much fun getting out on trail this winter, and all of the credit goes to you and The Confident Solo Female Backpacker System. The experience and information you share is SO valuable. It’s such a rewarding feeling to be able to rely on my own abilities and know that I am capable of taking care of myself and even helping others out on trail, and now I am getting to extend that through the winter. No more waiting for better weather, or for the snow to melt!


I learned so much, thank you. (And I'm an experienced hiker). This should be required watching for anyone who wants to attempt a winter hike. World class.


There is also a synthetic sock base layer that works really well on the coldest days. Double layering socks is magical


Really good video with great advice. I live in southern California so winter hiking is lovely. Hypothermia is no fun. Some friends and I were hiking the beginning of the John Muir trail in Yosemite when I was in my 20s. It rained on us and then the temperature dropped below freezing. It started snowing and all of our clothes froze. We all started getting super cold and shivering violently. After a while we started getting sleepy and stopped shivering. This is when you are really in the critically dangerous zone. We realized what was happening so the first place we found to pitch our tent we got in, got into dry clothes and cooked some hot drinks and food. From then on we were safe. We called off the rest of the trip because there was just too much snow for hiking. We camped in Yosemite valley at a regular car camp in the snow. We were the only campers. It was great fun and we learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes you have to abort a trip to be safe.


Good Morning .. from a 'Baby Boomer South African currently living in Switzerland ..
👍👍👍 .. now that was impressive, most informative and will certainly be of benefit to anyone taking note.
72 summers under the bridge, 'kaput' knees 🙄 and hip joints now starting to feel their mileage 😏, any distance hiking is now, for me, a fond memory. However, I still Nordic Walk regularly (this morning's session, -10°C and yes, 'bold and cold' .. with backup fleece top, neck warmer, beanie and gloves in a lightweight 'Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Dry Daypack 22 litre) .. regularly and living adjacent to a forest, daily walks therein are a given.
Your presentation covered about all that I can imagine; if I may please, from own experience and that of others, reinforce the following ..
* Carry a Compass! Electronics can (and will eventually) fail.
* Know what is NSEW of you. Research the Area beforehand and what Major Features lie in each direction and distances. Rivers, Hills, Roads, Identifiable Trails, etc, etc. Handy if one has to 'escape'.
* Know where you are .. even if you step off the trail to 'take a leak' / whatever .. and in what direction, NSEW. The story of the Lady on the Appalachian (I think?) who went off trail momentarily for fore-mentioned purpose, lost her sense of direction and got lost. She survived a month approximately and kept a diary up to until her demise. Her body, camp and tent were eventually found about one mile only (?) from the trail. Gut-wrenching even now when I think about it .. and absolutely unnecessary!
2. TURNAROUND Absolutely! Know when to 'bail' and stick to it no matter what! Some years back, the experienced Alpinist (his name escapes me) who 'bailed' Everest 100 vertical metres below the Summit because he had reached his pre-determined turnaround time, comes to mind. He survived (others did not) and succesfully summited the following year.
* Credit to Susanne Williams for the following ..
THE 70% RULE. Always keep '30% in reserve' .. never 'push the limit'. You never know when that reserve will be needed.
There .. 'useless information' over 🙄😏. I'm certain that you have covered this somewhere .. but if at least one reader can benefit, then good 👍.
All power to those wanting to get out there .. DO IT! Planning beforehand helps somewhat 😊.
Once again, a good share .. thanks. Take care ..


I love hiking in the snow. I think it’s so beautiful. (Also a lot of work 😅)


I love winter hiking in the whites of NH


Excellent video! Perfect for this time of year and comprehensive… I am a pretty experienced hiker/backpacker but this video reminded me of a couple things not in my daypack, like an external battery pack and hand warmers :). Thank you ❤


Great video, very useful for all winter hikers ❤


An awesome video with great tips. And as always...wonderfully delivered.


the bottle upside down trick is brilliant!


My must have snow hiking items are: wool socks, down mini skirt, wool leggings, wool cami, glove liners and thick mittens, microspikes or crampons (depending on route), snow shoes, small plastic shovel (also double as a seat), neck gaiter, down leg gaiters, face mask, snow goggles, sunblock, thin wool beanie under hard brim hat, hydroflask 20oz with hot tea. I just bought a pair of down pants. Now sure if they’d be too much snow hiking but they sure are wind and cold proof.


I prefer hiking in the winter, mainly because it's simply beautiful, I don't get so hot and sweaty, and no bugs to drive you crazy. I also love the isolation with not so many people on the trail.


Snow hikes are the best. Sad we don't get as much snow in southern new england as we used to.


Love the winter video😊
So much good info!!!


What perfect timing and so informative! I live in Oregon and just bought snowshoes for the first time with the plan to do some winter hiking. Was feeling a little intimidated thinking I needed to buy a bunch of new stuff but realized I have most of this. Now I feel like I can be prepared and really enjoy this season! Happy holidays!


With the ultimate goal of being solo winter camping I'm starting with with winter hiking as I collect gear and experience. Your video is great, I now see winter hiking and camping as 2 different activities(Beasts), though many similarities. Got my sub thank you!


I love your channel so much! I’m in North Carolina lamenting the demise of winter hiking… and your winter hiking videos are making me feel better and have me looking forward to the end of the year! 😂


This is a great video! Thank you for all the good information, like always 💛
