Warhammer Weekly 10042017 - Fyreslayers w/Scruby & Wells (Tyler Emerson)

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Join us for another week of news, rumors and all things Warhammer. This week we are joined by Tyler Emerson of Scruby Wells podcast. Tyler is back to talk Fyreslayers as well as all the latest news with us.

Twitter: @warhammerweekly

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Thanks again Vince and Tom for the background noise at work! :D

Yeah, I was that guy that painted my Stormcast as Hammers of Sigmar, but I do enjoy painting gold (Sanguinary Guard are baller) and the blue accent is fantastic, so really it all worked out for me.

I think the one thing that does really hinder being creative with painting any army to a specific type is the actual models themselves, to have something cool and accurate to a certain chapter, chamber, craftworld, regiment etc is that the models are generally plastered with icons and motives from particular ones and when you have minimal money to invest and the free hand skills of 'Johnny aged 5' it is hard to deviate.

It would be really cool if GW could actually clarify first off there position on it, but I think the new Astra Militarum codex is pointing out a real gap they have in there system for the majority of hobbyists. Yeah upgrade kits are cool, but they are generally just weapons and if your lucky shoulder pads. But what is wrong with making upgrade kits of just heads, shoulderpads for more than just there space marine range and perhaps people wouldn't have problems with things like this and use 3rd party stuff less?


Great show, great conversation, and nice to see Tyler as always. I built a crap load of Stormcast for a tournament next week while I was watching last night, and was too tired to comment afterwards. It was really funny seeing that changes had come around in the meantime. Really nice to see GW on the spot!


THanks for the heads up on my new Drukharidron Overlord video series


My impression was that these models are 'heroes' in Shadespire. I never had the impression that they would be heroes in AoS. The fact that they were all 'battleline' unit types seemed to support that. I like the idea of special unit.


Good ironjawz pep-talk. Indeed needed❤️


I feel like the color scheme enforcement idea runs in direct co tractiction to the "make your own fun" message that GW has been running with for AoS from day 1.


I kind of agree with the sentiment that making a warscroll for every Shadespire Team would be a huge undertaking and quickly clutter up AoS with heroes but I would still love to see them give the entire team a unique warscroll that you could field and has some internal synnergy, kind of how they had unique squads in 40k like Gaunt's Ghosts, the Last Chancers, or some of the unique mercenaries in WFB. It would also be great to see the leader of each team get a Warhammer Quest scrolls; each one has a heroic stance that would be perfect for a game like that. Without these sorts of crossover aspects I think it will be harder to get people already into GW games to invest their time and money into Shadespire when they already want to spend most of their time playing the expensive armies they put so much work into, and it will also be harder to lure new people up the GW ladder of hobbying. I also don't feel like it will be able to lure in Magic or X-wing players and in significant fashion as they are alreayd fairly vested in their hobby, and in the case of SW likely heavily invested in the Franchise. I really don't know in the end; I suspect Shadespire will run out of steam maybe half a year in, but who knows, maybe the gameplay will be enough to draw people in.


God you guys copying my Ironjawz lists, such shame!!


Tom, I'd have expected more people play at your job. I recently ran into my professor at the GW store... lol


Great show guys!

Other pew pew options are Javelin Prosecutors, which are tougher and more reliable than Skywardens. With Longstrikes I think you need to factor in Aetherwings, which are potentially game winning. For 400, you could get 3 Longstrikes, 3 Hurricanes and 3 Aetherwings, then you can block charges from melee armies like Fanatics.


As always, your show is a great opportunity for hobbying :)


Rumor Engine: Hard counter for death confirmed


Having played (semi-)competitive Fyreslayers since they droped and I liked your discussion regarding them. But there are some stuff where I don’t agree with Tom.

For example I from personal experience rate Aurics higher than the Kinband and I have played both in competitive play. I get that 60 Vulkites within the Kinband hits (a little bit) harder when they drop but they have some huge downsides. First the rune of far sight is only for one turn and secondly and even more important it is much harder to get 60 Vulkites to reach that you want to hit than 30 Aurics due to the foot print. The upsides is of course that 30 Vulkies have effectively at least 18 more wounds than the Aurics and are much better in combat. I do think both the Kinband and the Aurics are viable but my prediction is that the highest placing Fyreslayers armies won’t have the Kindband or any formations. It will be interesting to see over the coming year. I would also rate Fyreslayers as an tier 1, 5 army.

Another thing I don’t agree with is that KO is a good counter to Fyreslayers. I would say that Fyreslayers will crush KO most of the time given that both have good pilots.

If you want to see more how I play Fyreslayers (which is one way to play them) you can have a look at this thread in the TGA forum. I have made some small battle reports with pictures:


Did you guys see? Apparently enough of us talking about it, they made some solid changes to Firestorm rules for matched play and I'm Thoroughly pleased with the rulings


i would laugh in the face of anyone who says i have to paint my army a certain way to use rules. these places and things are not real. the time and effort put into the hobby is very real. there is no such thing as anvilgaurd. there is such thing as long nights painting plastic army men. Any adult that even thinks for 1 second they get to say how someone else should hobby should be ashamed of themselves


I don’t understand the firestorm new abilities are applied. Also so are paint schemes mandatory now ? What is the three paint rule


where are the facehammer GT army lists posted? cant find any information on facehammer except the final result listings...


Pigs are cheaper per wound than Liberators, so you don't want to be mortal wounding them. Tom is right.


Your Maw Krusha conversion makes your point about painting for rules. Where is the incentive to put that kind of work into a model if "The Man" is going to then tell you how to paint it? They made a giant universe, why not let us fill it a bit for them?


Maybe I'm alone here, but I don't think any of these additional allegiance abilities should be included at tourneys. Seems like this should be kept to the firestorm/narrative side of things to me.
