25 PRETTY HOST PLANTS That BUTTERFLIES & MOTHS Can't Live Without — Ep. 263
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I'm aiming to do a series of videos that focus on host plants for our native butterflies and moths. Many of us have been trained to understand that our monarch caterpillars rely on milkweed for their food, but most of us are not able to connect our other native Lepidopterans (Leps) to the plants they eat as larvae. Since a video like this can get really unwieldy, I'm covering herbaceous host plants that have real horticultural value in the garden space—and in most cases, also do double duty as both a host plant and pollinator plant with beautiful blooms.
Join this channel to get access to perks:
00:00 - Introduction
02:00 - Butterflies and Moths native to New York
03:21 - Antennaria spp.
03:50 - Vanessa virginiensis
04:50 - Viola spp.
05:14 -- Speyeria, Boloria, Euptoieta
05:45 - Passiflora incarnata
06:34 - Euphydryas phaeton
06:40 - Penstemon spp.
07:17 - Chelone glabra
08:04 - Mimulus spp.
08:19 - Pyrgus communis
08:21 - Poladryas minuta
08:30 - Foeniclum vulgare 'Purpureum'
09:08 - Papilio polyxenes
10:10 - Aquilegia canadensis
10:30 - Erynnis lucilius
11:07 - Junonia coenia
11:14 - Penstemon spp.
11:26 - Antirrhinum hispanicum
12:07 - Nathalis iole
12:15 - Asteraceae; Helenium spp.
12:55 - Strymon melinus
13:19 - Helianthus spp.
13:20 - Malva spp.
13:27 - Triolium spp. / Dalea spp.
14:43 - Lupinus perennis
15:00 - Plebejus melissa
15:53 - Ascelpias spp.
16:07 - Danaus plexippus
17:00 - Asclepias tuberosa
17:29 - Asteracea / Symphyotrichum spp.
17:38 - Phyciodes cocyta
17:40 - Phyciodes tharos
18:44 - Vanessa cardui
18:52 - Liatris spp.
19:15 - Alcea spp.
19:16 - Helianthus spp.
19:25 - Eutrochium spp.
20:25 - Aristolochia macrophylla
20:42 - Battus philenor
21:51 - Celastrina ladon
21:55 - Celastrina neglecta
22:00 - Spiraea spp.
22:41 - Ceanothus spp.
23:00 - Cornus spp.
23:40 - Conclusion
➨ Plant One On Me:
▶ Facebook: @flockfingerlakes
Join this channel to get access to perks:
00:00 - Introduction
02:00 - Butterflies and Moths native to New York
03:21 - Antennaria spp.
03:50 - Vanessa virginiensis
04:50 - Viola spp.
05:14 -- Speyeria, Boloria, Euptoieta
05:45 - Passiflora incarnata
06:34 - Euphydryas phaeton
06:40 - Penstemon spp.
07:17 - Chelone glabra
08:04 - Mimulus spp.
08:19 - Pyrgus communis
08:21 - Poladryas minuta
08:30 - Foeniclum vulgare 'Purpureum'
09:08 - Papilio polyxenes
10:10 - Aquilegia canadensis
10:30 - Erynnis lucilius
11:07 - Junonia coenia
11:14 - Penstemon spp.
11:26 - Antirrhinum hispanicum
12:07 - Nathalis iole
12:15 - Asteraceae; Helenium spp.
12:55 - Strymon melinus
13:19 - Helianthus spp.
13:20 - Malva spp.
13:27 - Triolium spp. / Dalea spp.
14:43 - Lupinus perennis
15:00 - Plebejus melissa
15:53 - Ascelpias spp.
16:07 - Danaus plexippus
17:00 - Asclepias tuberosa
17:29 - Asteracea / Symphyotrichum spp.
17:38 - Phyciodes cocyta
17:40 - Phyciodes tharos
18:44 - Vanessa cardui
18:52 - Liatris spp.
19:15 - Alcea spp.
19:16 - Helianthus spp.
19:25 - Eutrochium spp.
20:25 - Aristolochia macrophylla
20:42 - Battus philenor
21:51 - Celastrina ladon
21:55 - Celastrina neglecta
22:00 - Spiraea spp.
22:41 - Ceanothus spp.
23:00 - Cornus spp.
23:40 - Conclusion
➨ Plant One On Me:
▶ Facebook: @flockfingerlakes