Amazing Street Artist - Spray Painting in Rome, Italy

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My name is Andrew, i'm a professional wedding photographer & videographer from Romania and i like to travel, so i decided to make some travel video's from what destination i choose to visit to remember every experience forever !

I will travel all over the world and i will invest my money in equipment, in airline tickets, very interesting tourist activities, food, my time in editing and all my passion to do special video for me and for you !

If you like my work leave a LIKE, SHARE or SUBSCRIBE !

Salut ! Eu sunt Andrei, sunt fotograf si videograf profesionist de eveniment in Romania si imi place sa calatoresc, asa ca am decis sa imi filmez experientele din toate destinatiile in care voi reusi sa ajung, astfel incat sa creez amintiri de neuitat !

Voi incerca sa calatoresc in toata lumea si imi voi dedica tot timpul si pasiunea mea pentru a crea clipuri cat mai speciale atat pentru mine cat și pentru voi ! Haideti sa ne bucuram de toate locatiile acestea impreuna !

Dacă îți place munca mea, lasă un LIKE, SHARE sau SUBSCRIBE!


Thank you for watching !

Where I have traveled so far?


Рекомендации по теме

I love the street spray artists 😍 . They have so much talent ! 👏
