😄 Exposure & Metering Simplified 😚 Outsmart your Camera

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I usually leave the pumpkin on the table 2 weeks until it becomes 18% gray too, so problem solved :-) :-)


Very good video.

Your video reminds me of the first snow photos I took in the early 1970's when I was about 13 yrs. old. I was shocked how the camera turned fresh white snow 18% grey. It took a couple years to understand that even with an auto exposure camera you still need to be mindful and adjust exposure to your liking and expectation. The exposure compensation dial is your friend.


Everything you said is spot on. Sometimes I will flatten the dynamic range in camera by setting it to a de-saturated neutral with spot metering and the ETTR technique. So much detail to play with. Thanks for this info.


please more videos like this one. showing real images is the best way to explain stuff . I would always have trouble with objects like your gourds before I had a computer to fix the exposure .everything you say is right on, but it sure helps to see the real thing. you seem to focus on reviews of stuff which is great. I bought batteries, used flashes, used flash cables, and lens you talked about . all great videos, but more videos like this would be really good to see, and you do a way better job at it then all the other youtube guys put together. thanks a lot.


Hah! This is great advice.

It's one of those things that slaps you in the face with how obvious it seems after you've been told about it.

Previously I would just use exposure comp on instinct, but this explains a lot of what I'm aiming for unconsciously.

I'm basically gonna nail exposure every time now. No info loss on those RAWS :)


I use aperture priority mode and set the exposure comp dial to C (Fuji xt2) and just use the front dial for exposure compensation, matrix metering mode, and then expose to the right. It’s fast and easy.


Awesome teaching. Thank you for yet another important message


When some people say the camera's meter is being fooled, what that tells me is that they don't really understand how the meter works and exactly what it is measuring.


Great video. You could also spot only for the highlight and work the exposure "darker" by adjusting shutter speed or aperture to let less light onto the sensor. I don't adjust ISO preferring to keep iso as low as possible for better image quality. Ken has basically shown how to do the digital equivalent of the the Zone System. In this case you expose for the highlights and let the shadows fall where the dynamic range of the sensor records them. You can adjust how saturated the highlight is and decide if highlight detail is recorded or if you purposely let it blow out and go totally white. Whats important is how you visualize where white, black, and mid tones are and plan the exposure for what you want the final image to look like. For action photography you could meter for highlights and shoot away.


I really appreciate your knowledge of the science of light and photography. Thank you!


Best Explanation of this I have ever seen Ken. When shooting RAW on a Fujifilm camera I think it is important that the DR setting is kept at 100% . Cheers Ian.


I Always find with both my Nikons and my Fuji that the "perfect exposure" is often not, i can usually push the exposure two stops over by exposing for the sky (spot metering) and even though the meter says im shooting two stops over on the brightest point, its simply not true. ETTR is the way to go


Very helpful! Would be nice to see a live example in-camera too :)


I've been trying to do that for a while: I aim for the sky and expose it as +2 so I get the most out of the highlights when I shoot outside. But I just found out that I can actually measure up to +4 stops when I really find the brightest spot of it. Or maybe I still need to experiment on that.
People on Reddit wanted to tell me that is not a good thing to do and then I learned a few tricks like exposing with your hand +1 instead of a grey card, which gives me better in-camera exposure but ofc I lose speculars more often.
Still need to figure out the easiest way to saturate my sensor :)
Edit: sometimes you really want the exposure to be correct in-camera though (non-professional talking) to save time.
I don't even know how to get the proper exposure in Darktable afterwards so it's just guessing then...


I dont think i've ever heard of metering explained this way and it totally makes sense.


Your stuff is surely true and useful especially for dSLRs shooters, though is part of the traditional old school I'm afraid. The EVF technology has made exposing correctly not only easier ever but spontaneous as well. And you know what? The new technology mirrorless cameras have has made it really easy and fun to use normal lenses and to shoot fully manual as both exposing and focusing correctly are no longer matters of concern. DSLRs and the old school photography is still alive of course and I still keep my dslr but the new technology has opened new horizon. What do you think Ken? Love to hear your opinion on this.


Anyone who downvotes this video should take up knitting and watch re-runs of The View for eternity.


Man, this video rocks! Thank you for the knowledge.


My baby never pukes that shade of grey. I prefer to think of it as kitty litter grey.


Please, more of these tutorials Ken. Thank you very much.
