Diffusion Tensor imaging of the brain|DTI imaging|MRI Brain

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Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that uses anisotropic diffusion to estimate the axonal (white matter) organization of the brain.
Fiber tractography (FT) is a 3D reconstruction technique to assess neural tracts using data collected by diffusion tensor imaging.
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is based on the measurement of thermal Brownian motion of water molecules. Within cerebral white matter, water molecules tend to diffuse more freely along the direction of axonal fascicles rather than across them. Such directional dependence of diffusivity is termed anisotropy. This direction of maximum diffusivity along the white-matter fibers is projected in the final image.
Clinical applications
For many, diffusion tensor imaging is synonymous with MRI of the CNS. However, its use for the assessment of highly-organized body systems outside the CNS, where anisotropy can facilitate early detection of pathology, has been gaining favor in recent years.
Applications include:
assessment of the deformation of white matter by tumors - deviation, infiltration, destruction of white matter
delineation of the anatomy of immature brains
presurgical planning
Alzheimer disease - detection of early disease
focal cortical dysplasia
multiple sclerosis - plaque assessment
early identification of musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve pathology 7-10
Quantitative analysis methods
ROI (region of interest) based
histogram analysis
tractography/fiber tracking
. #medical #radiology #viral #imaging #ctscan #gastrointestinal #heart #technology #xray
.Music: Outside
Musician: @iksonmusic
follow @MedicalImaging467
Fiber tractography (FT) is a 3D reconstruction technique to assess neural tracts using data collected by diffusion tensor imaging.
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is based on the measurement of thermal Brownian motion of water molecules. Within cerebral white matter, water molecules tend to diffuse more freely along the direction of axonal fascicles rather than across them. Such directional dependence of diffusivity is termed anisotropy. This direction of maximum diffusivity along the white-matter fibers is projected in the final image.
Clinical applications
For many, diffusion tensor imaging is synonymous with MRI of the CNS. However, its use for the assessment of highly-organized body systems outside the CNS, where anisotropy can facilitate early detection of pathology, has been gaining favor in recent years.
Applications include:
assessment of the deformation of white matter by tumors - deviation, infiltration, destruction of white matter
delineation of the anatomy of immature brains
presurgical planning
Alzheimer disease - detection of early disease
focal cortical dysplasia
multiple sclerosis - plaque assessment
early identification of musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve pathology 7-10
Quantitative analysis methods
ROI (region of interest) based
histogram analysis
tractography/fiber tracking
. #medical #radiology #viral #imaging #ctscan #gastrointestinal #heart #technology #xray
.Music: Outside
Musician: @iksonmusic
follow @MedicalImaging467