Arcana Xayah Skin Spotlight - League of Legends

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League of Legends Arcana Xayah Skin Spotlight.

Shows off Animations and Ability Effects of Xayah on their Arcana Skin in this Spotlight.

All footage was taken in game.

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00:00 Splash
00:08 Turnaround
00:27 Emotes
01:08 Recall
01:21 Dance With Rakan
01:39 Joint Recall - Not Unique Riot didn't add one.
01:52 Basics
01:57 Q Ability
02:15 W Ability
02:33 E Ability
02:52 R Ability
03:07 W with Rakan
03:14 Zoomed Out R Ability
03:45 Crit
03:51 RIP
03:59 Chromas
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I legit clicked this video so fast to see if Riot added a new joint recall, I had some tiny bit of hope left that they may have added it even after I saw the twitter post but I have never been so disappointed :(


Wow after all the feedback and complaints, they decided to still release it without a duo recall. Really cheap Riot.


So they said on PBE that they decided no new joint recall animation early in the process and that there is no time to make a new one.

Sadly I don't think Xayah was popular enough like Ekko and Arcane for such changes as Firelight Ekko.


I love Xayah and I love the Arcana skin line but this is pretty disappointing :( I don't think I'm gonna get it.


Still no. The effects are underwhelming, the opportunity to make the feather's on the ground cards, and the most precious joint recall is missing. Nah not buying a lazy job


xayah mains and rakan mains should boycott and not buy this skin.


Here's a list of what has been changed from the pre-release version (source: r/LeaguePBE):
- The splash art now also has the face tattoo
- The pauldron snake art should be more readable now
- The gold on her cape has been toned down


base model xayah + sparkles = arcana xayah. BIG NO


If they couldn't make the joint recall now or even later this year. Atleast make the model more distinguishable, this looks like xayah base skin prestige edition. Make it darker and make her feathers better looking because I know you won't change those to cards.


I like the Skin theme alot! And the Skins for Xayah and Rakan are so awesome, we (friends & me) were considering buying them.

But after knowing they dont have a special duo recall, Neither of us gonna buy them. It is such a dissapointment. The special duo Recall is actually the only factor for us to buy the skins.

And i WAS so hyped to play Xayah & Rakan with the new Skins on Botlane...
(Oh well maybe i get lucky by reroling skins, but not gonna pay anythink because of that)


Another brave phoenix and a base skin xayah, boring no recall


i only play xayah for rakan and for their special recalls interactions… it’s kinda disappointing to see no unique recall like they had in every skin line


I think one of the reasons they didnt bother with the joint recall is how laughably low the play rate is of each of this champions ..individually and even less so together. NGL i love the skin though and will defs pick it up. The chromas look incredible.


Why didn't they just delay the fucking Xayah and Rakan skins to make the recall, like ok we get it people want their 600th Ahri skin. Ok just release Ahri and the others but work on these to make them be more special since almost all the other ones (excluding cosmic dawn/dusk) have custom recalls. Fucks sake, listen to the community again maybe? I don't think it's THAT difficult for them -.-
I'm so pissed it's insane, like put a lil more effort into the things that give you money...

EDIT: Honestly makes me not want to buy the skins just because of that so they MAYBE change their fucking minds after the community is expressing their disappointment in how it turned out.


As a Xayah main I will definitely not buy this one. The only thing that makes Xayah and Rakan unique is their recall together, and they disappointed us AGAIN. Not only to mention that this skin looks like a chroma to the default skin. They didn’t put much effort on this one (and even Rakan). They had a huge opportunity to make these one of the best Xayah/Rakan skins…


I'm honestly surprised that there wasn't a joint recall because their recalls were referencial unlike the cosmic skins. I'm not mad about the splash art but the execution is unoriginal since it looks like Fenix mancer


It honestly looks like a chroma. Also no joint recall? :( what's the point of having them share a splashart if they don't share a back?


im boycotting the skins (until they get a recall)


The splash arts of the arcana skins are so on point to me, i unlocked 3 of which through chests, ngl after seeing the actual effects they are not worth buying, i wouldn't recommend buying these


This skin is like the normal skin of hers but shinier.