When Was Cornelius and His Household Saved By God? | Acts 10:34-48 | Lesson 36 | WTTB

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Peter has arrived at Cornelius' household and has finally learned that God is not a respecter of persons, and that the Gentiles can be taught the Word of God by the Jews. So, that's what Peter did, and lo, and behold, the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his household, just as he had fallen on the apostles in Acts 2. This means that Cornelius and his household were baptized with the Holy Spirit. This baptism allowed them to speak in tongues. Some assert that this is when Cornelius and his household was saved by God. However, is that what this passage (and others in Acts) is teaching us? In Lesson 36 of our study of Acts we learn the answer to this question.

----- Contents of This Video -----

0:00 Introduction
0:39 Reading of the Text
2:24 Discussion of the Text
10:28 Conclusion

#WalkingThroughTheBible #EastEndChurchOfChrist #bookofacts #ChurchOfChrist

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