Where Do You Ride? | Speed Bumps

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As with most things, a situation approach is best.

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Surly it’s straight over the top as fast as possible to get some air.


Yes, fully situational, and your reasoning was exactly how I think. I prefer the line closer to the middle to avoid riding over rammel, but oncoming vehicles especially make gutter-side a better choice.


Very much situational for me and your positioning is basically what I'd do. Prioritise visibility and safety over anything else. Is there oncoming traffic? Go to the left, give them space. Parked cars on my side? Go to the right, use the middle, gets clear of the 'Door Zone'. Approaching a corner? Go on the opposite side to which way the corner goes to maximise visibility which you showed brilliantly a couple of times.

Don't be afraid to go over them if needed. Parked cars on your side AND oncoming traffic at the same time? Well guess it's time for a bumpy ride but it is what it is.


As with your ride, I choose which way to go according to the situation, but another thing to take into account is that heavily used speed bumps often have potholes at the sides, so on my regular routes I know where they are and avoid them.


I do similar to you although if there's a vehicle following they might interpret a move to position 1 as an invitation to overtake so I take that into account too.


For me it's situational too when cycling. One factor is that going left might give false communication of "it's ok to come past" but that might be what I want to say.

The risk of them when cycling is that a motorist who hopes to pass might not plan to do their acceleration after the bump and steer to fix poor planning.


For me, it's always situational, and that's probably by design. If I'm in a busy street with pedestrians, and there's a median divider, I almost always take the side near the center. In most other cases, I try to go near the curb. But what I should've realized sooner was that in some situations (parked cars + no median), it might be wise just to slow down a bit and go over the bump. This is especially true in 30km/h roads where it can be busy and narrow, and the actual driving speed is already slow enough to go over.

However, at least in the Netherlands where I am, these bumps tend to be designed with motorcycles/mopeds in mind, and are usually positioned in an offset manner. Over time, I tend to learn that there's some sort of favored position depending on the road construction.


1. If it's safe and clear I'l go through the middle.
2.If it isn't clear and the gutter is ok, I'll go on the left.
3. If it isn't clear and the gutter is in a right state, I'll slow it down and go smack over the middle.
4. Very rare - but if I'm filtering and the opposite side gutter is ok, I'll go through on the far right.


Yes, situational. Try be to away from oncoming traffic. And weaving is a good thing on a motorcycle as it makes you more visible anyway (and straight roads are boring)
I do go straight over just for fun at times.


It depends on what side the potholes are.


Exactly as you do: if no oncoming traffic, straight road or left hand bend middle gap, right hand bend left gap. With oncoming traffic, normally left hand gap, but if there are parked cars beyond the speed bumps, safer to give way to oncoming traffic (adjust speed to suit) and take middle gap. The only issue could be if there is a long line of tailgating oncoming traffic and you're being tailgated too. If you have to stop, do it slowly in primary position.


depends on if cars are parked before and after the humps, oncoming traffic and or the usual Must Get In Front Jerk... Its safer to go between them so to indicate to drivers you are there and doing this and to stop overtaking on the humps..


As has been suggested, I'd say it's situational. After all, they offer the two possibilities via the very design. In any case, positioning in general is always situational as you progress along the road. Speed bumps don't change that general principle.


Yes definitely situational. You did a great job here, I'd have chosen pretty much the same as you based on pretty much the same thinking. Nice one.


Definitely depends, I live in quite a busy area so I’m normally staying to the left of speed bumps.
Although often the area in between the edge of the road and the speed bump has potholes or is full of leaves/ice in which case your only option is to slow down and go over the top.


Yeah it's situational on my bike I always have to see where parked cars are and where would be beneficial for me to carry on


I do exactly the same thing, definitely depends on the situation


Completely situational. I teach CBT's for new riders and always stress the importance of road position especially around speed bumps like you demonstrated.

My only concern would be the amount of weaving you do along the long straight stretch.

I would either pick a high or low road position (Normally i pick a higher road position nearer the center line and hold it there). If i feel like i will meet a car at a pinch point of a bump adjust speed so one of use is past it before the other. This allows for a smoother ride position.


It really is dependent on what other hazards you are dealing with. I know this was probably recorded the same day as a previous video where I commented about giving up position 3 for oncoming vehicles. You really need to maintain your safety bubble and equalise the hazards, so give up P3 when there's oncoming in case they wander and so you can be seen by other vehicles coming from ahead.


Usually centre of the road unless there is something coming the other way.
