Python String Methods/Functions Explained | Python Strings Advanced | str() Function in Python

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Strings operations in explained in details for Python with String Manipulations and Formating - Python Tutorial for Beginners (2020)
In this tutorial, you are going to learn Strings in Python with string manipulations and strings operations on Python variables. Everything you will need for texual data analysis using string data type is in this tutorial!

CONTENTS of this tutorial on Python for beginners:
▶️ 00:31 - PEP-8 Python Styling Guidelines (Variable Naming Convension)
▶️ 05:39 - Data Types in Python
▶️ 07:18 - How to Open a Jupyter Notebook
▶️ 07:59 - String Manuplations and Operations in Python
▶️ 19:35 - Python dir() Method Usage for Listing All Available Methods for an Object

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