Reasons why I left the Pentecostal church

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My intentions are not to speak negatively about the Pentecostal church considering my mom, daughter, and I were able to get baptized there and that will always hold a special place in my heart and people from the church did come to the hospital and rehab to pray for my mom after her stroke and I’m forever thankful for that! I was able to grow as a newcomer in Christ Jesus and I learned a lot in the few years I was there. Now I saw a lot of errors in the church such as slain the spirit, the belief about not cutting your hair, the no makeup and jewelry rule, and the false belief that women can't wear pants. The men are not allowed to have a beard or mustache and that is just taking things too far!! Also, the gift of speaking in tongues does not come on every believer, we all have different gifts. The most important thing is to have a personal relationship with Jesus and stay rooted in the word. It is very important to distinguish what the bible teaches and what man teaches. We do not need to conform to the things of this world or a certain organization's belief system. I also noticed that everyone looked the same as in hairstyles and dress attire. I understand that we are supposed to be modest but God made us to be unique not to be identical to the person you are sitting by on the pew. Makeup and hair are also a form of art and expression but if you wear it according to them, it's because you have a spirit of the world and or a Jezebel spirit. This is far from the truth and they want the word of God to fit their specific narrative for power and control purposes which fits some of the traits of the Jezebel spirit. A Jezebel spirit is not limited to just women, it can also occupy males as well. This spirit causes confusion in the church and uses authority to get what it wants and purposely hides under the veil of "religion" to accomplish its goals. It can also use flattery to seduce leaders-(Revelation 2:20-24). This is also a form of witchcraft and manipulation by telling people what they can and can't wear. The spirit of control is also present along with PRIDE. There is so much pride in the church because the women are not wearing makeup, not cutting their hair or dying it, not wearing jewelry, not wearing pants, (LOL let's be honest here, we know that no one can be in a dress 24/7 , that is not realistic .... This is why you have to read the bible yourself and not let any church bamboozle you into their "Funky Ole False Doctrines" I will never conform to MAN MADE rules.....