Sony a9 III Global Shutter Flash Sync - The TRUTH w/ PROOF!

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With the Sony a9 III's new global shutter, a lot of questions and misinformation has been floating around the interwebs. In this quick video, I hope to answer some questions and shed some light on one of the camera's biggest claims; it's ability to sync at up to 1/80,000 of a second with a flash!

I test it here in this video with the Westcott FJ400 at a variety of settings, but I'm interested in hearing what you'd like to see next! I have a few more days with the camera so be sure to sound off in the comments with what you'd like and I'll do my best to deliver.

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Hi Miguel, thanks for referencing my video. I made that video as my best effort to give the FULL story about flash duration, high speed sync, and how it relates to shutter types. Like you, I want to combat misinformation, and I feel that discussing this topic without going into the T value of flash duration is misleading by omission.
If this video is meant to clarify misinformation in my video, I feel it actually muddys the water – rather than clarifying it.

Quoting me, you said “he asked in the video, what lights are out there that would be able to sync with the alpha 9 three at those crazy high shutter speeds.”

That misrepresents what I said. I carefully chose my words throughout the video. What I said was, “what flash is able to discharge its T.5 or T.1 at full power, within 1/80, 000th of a second? Nothing on the market can currently.”

It may seem like a small distinction, but it is actually a big difference.

Syncing is not the same as capturing the full flash duration.

I certainly never suggested a global shutter camera set to high-speed sync, at iso 250 and F1.8 / F1.4 in day time, could not pick up some light from a compatible flash unit.

If you look at the FJ400, it cannot discharge t.1 or even t.5 at full power in that time.

I went to great lengths to explain how high-speed sync reduces overall power output, and the realities of this emerging technology.

If you find anything in my video that is misinformation, then please let me know. A viewer pointed out to me, that there is a reduction in light relating to the speed of a leaf shutter, but it is very difficult to measure.

Other than that, I think my video covers all the points relevant to flash duration, flash sync, high speed sync, and shutter types – and the limitations.


I’m glad that a portrait photographer is able to do a full review. This cameras not for me but the technology is intriguing especially exactly what your cover in this video, the high shutter with full sync. Thanks Miguel!


We're actively testing the a9 III and currently waiting to hear back from Sony on some things. We've found some of the same problems as you, Miguel.

First, I noticed you're using HSS for these shots. That's the same approach we've always used for shooting with strobes at high shutter speeds, so it's really nothing new. My understanding from the Sony presentations was that the a9 III global shutter meant you didn't need to use HSS, however, with our a9 III, the max sync speed sems to be 1/500. Above that, it requires the use of HSS.

When we talk about "sync speed", the synchronization is between the single flash pop and the camera's sensor being exposed. HSS has existed since the 90s and it operates more like a continuous light that a single flash, basically pulsing on and off quickly so that there's no need to sync. It works, as you demonstrate, but it works with many other existing cameras, too.

If this flash were properly syncing, the handsome model would remain the same brightness as you adjusted your shutter speed. With proper syncing, shutter speed changes only the ambient brightness, allowing you to overpower ambient light. That didn't work in your demonstrations; as you used longer shutter speeds, the background got brighter, and you got brighter, too. That indicates the flash isn't properly syncing. It's following the rules of a continuous light instead of a sync'd strobe.

We're still testing, and waiting on information from Sony, but here's something positive about the a9 III: HSS seems to work at faster shutter speeds than with other cameras. We did get some amount of flash up to 1/16, 000, whereas other cameras (like the Z9) seemed to max at about 1/4000. That's good, it's just not the same as a proper sync. The 1/500 sync IS faster than cameras without leaf shutters, however.


The main "misinformation" is that a lot of people think 1/80, 000s (or in general any high shutter speed) is useless because few flashes can output at full power. However they're missing a very important point: freezing fast motion. With insane shutter speeds, that's what you're able to do, which wasn't possible before.


Looks like the flash exposure varies by duration and the bell curve with the gobal shutter. This maybe an issue calculating the exposure. So unless you have a very expensive unit, and cut the power of flash so that unit can dump all it's power, you maybe at the same power level as high speed sync? This gets complicated, instead of using the f stop to control flash and the shutter to expose for the background you'll have to use shutter, iso and f stop to control the flash too.


I have tested SONY's HVL-F60RM2 flash with the A9III. In single shot mode, 1/80000, F/2.8, ISO 2000, I get a perfectly exposed picture. With Hi+, 1/16000, F/2.8, ISO 250, I get at least 12 pictures without interruption. Then the flash recharges the capacitors. Then it starts firing again. All this flash has, is 60 Joule. Also firing against the sun is a piece of cake. All you need, are a view HVL-F60RM2 and you cover most of high speed flash photography.


Friend, this video is no answer to Matt's. Matt talked about flash curve and he showed the power falling.


please test profoto A2 and profoto B10x and B10x plus!


You are one lucky dude Mr. Quiles to shoot this camera now. I can't wait the end of Feb to get mine. I read somewhere that Sony limits x-sync for 3rd party flashes at 1/500s which seems to be a total BS (thank you!). The X-sync is one of the reasons I'm getting this camera (I shoot aerial gymnastics outdoors with large strobes and modifiers and I hate HSS). The second reason the ML AF chip that finds people eyes and faces in random poses. Unlike this camera, my A1 (1.32 firmware) cannot find eyes on a person upside down. So hopefully this camera checks all the boxes and it is as good as the marketing hype. Thanks again for the "proof" and keep it up! :)


The only issue I see is the max sync speed with F/1.4 lens which is 1/16, 000. Any idea if they gonna update the firmware to solve it in future?


If I was playing at it I would keep it at 1/80, 000 and dial the power back on the strobe and see if it actually gets brighter or is the same. If it is the same, what power setting does it get down to until the output starts to drop off then repeat at 1/40, 000. I would also try to dial in the settings to push how well you can darken the sky. So I would read the flash duration at full power, set my shutter speed to that and dial up the aperture for proper exposure of the subject and darken the sky dramatically and still be at something like F4.
Then if you really want to show off its strength, it would be a fast action portrait where you need to freeze motion. Before you had to use HSS and now you can probably get 4+ stops more power. Would be awesome to see that side by side with another Sony camera same settings.


Hi Miguel, thanks for sharing the accurate information about this camera and it's sync speed capabilities. My question is not about the sync speed though. I'm interested to shoot sports with photos with this camera while recording video with the Atomos Ninja V at the same time. Every time you press the shutter in the video does it show that as a blackout? I'd like to be able to take photos without having blackout in the video. I'm looking for a Sony camera that can do that. Thanks again!


I agree with @TonyAndChesea conclusions, I have to admit that I am a little bit frustrated🤬, I bought and have now the A9M3, and was very desapointed when I discovered after few tests that, (until now) it doesn't sync at all speeds as claimed in launching campaing. That was the revolution it would have help us to forgive the bad performances in low light (much noisier than previous A9M2 above 2500iso)


this was great Miguel! Can't wait to see the next video on this


Great video, I'm curious about the blackout free shooting - in the screen record it does blackout when you take a photo. Is this due to how it's captured, or does the lcd actually blackout momentarily when not in burst?


Looks to me like the A9 III can do exactly what it claims to do. It's the flash's limitation that's really the issue. A flash can have high power but how fast it can dump that power has nothing to do with the Sony. The Sony will match it. The first shot was under exposed because the Sony was shooting faster than the flash. Dialing it down corrected the exposure.


Probably the most used flash out there is the Godox AD200 - would recommend testing that model in depth.


A lot of this is way beyond my needs. At 1/80, 000 it was still an image that you could easily edit plus would pairing it with another flash (2 or more) increase the flash exposure and make it more usable for those who need it? After all I see multiple pairing of speedlights used in this manner.


I would love to be where you are at! How hard is the process to become a sony ambassador? Thank you for everything you do! I love your content; missing the anime shirts!


Can it record videos while writing photos to the buffer?
