Making Sense

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Scott Munson, now 12 years old, was diagnosed with severe regressive autism at age 3. With all the sensory issues he has, Special Haven serves as a non-profit multi-sensory room to help him make sense of an overwhelming world.
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scotty is beautiful and he is perfect... hes not damaged or broken,  he is all there he is connected and he communicates   just in a differnt way


Oh my goodness that smile! Such a beautiful boy :) Wishing you all the best x


You are a great mom. Do not give up. Things can get better. I am autistic. Bad sensory. I am 40 but live on own with roommates. Your son can and will make it . also get Scott dynavox or other AAC it changed everything for me and can for him also


Scott is very similar to my son, Sam. He's almost 4 and has very similar sensory needs. He too squeezes people a lot - especially his younger sister. I too was diagnosed with depression not long after Sam was diagnosed with low functioning Autism. I have the same concerns & worries as Scott's mum too. The sensory room looks amazing, and is definitely something we have easier access to in the UK. Sending love and best wishes from England.


You shouldn't worry about your son. He'll be fine. No matter what, Scott will be fine. He's normal in his own way and with the help of you guys, he will succeed in life!


I live with Depression and Autism . . . Its hard. . . For me there is not much support but so far Ive done great. . . Your son will too


I have two daughters with autism and I must say, I cried when I heard the mom say that she was scared if she pass away before Scott, who will look after him :-( The reason why I cried because thats what I feel everyday and I do cry about it (plus it doesn't help when almost everyone ask me that question) I wish we had a special Haven room here where I live


Autism can be a difficult time for him/her lost in their world. But it is the key with computers which means they r smart and know how to use it


I would have loved to see and hear more about the Sensory Room instead of only the last 3 minutes or so being about it.  It sounds like a great idea; I wish it'd be implemented in schools.  I wound up going to a specialty school for kids with disabilities (having ASD and really bad panic attacks as a result) because there was really no place in normal schools where I could "decompress"...and playing with a keychain or drawing during a lesson as methods of stimulation wasn't acceptable.


My 3.5 year old with autism had major sensory issues its so frustrating at times as you stated out of no where your child screams or has a total melt down😢


How old is this video? I have a son who is now 11 amazing years old. He was born with a rare chromosome disorder called Trysomy-9p. He was born in 2003.  I have tons of questions, and I would love to hear feedback on how you and your family deal with situations of sensory overloads. I've been trying to help my son with outbursts that he gets, but I'm not sure if it's the right way to go about it. I also have two other children, they are both girls one is 20 and the other is 13. My heart goes out to you, when I saw that you were usually the brunt of the out bursts that is exactly what my daughter's deal with too. 
  I wondered what techniques you and your family do to help bring the the outburst to a stop or a safe way to calm down. I would love to hear from you, and your parents.
Thank you for your time!
Kathleen Kelenske


He has severe regressive Autism.  If his regression started between ages 2-10, he could also be Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.


I know it's an old video, but they keep on saying He Will Never, He will Never, He will Never, never never never. Talk about having given up emotionally, having zero faith in the future means that there's less of a chance they'll TRY new therapies /life skills/patenting styles/new techniques. Why you give up, you stop trying. These parents are doing that. And also this mom keeps on saying "he used to be so NORMAL", like now he's a broken lamp and you don't know how to change a light bulb. Someone please HELP this kid.


you shouldnt be sad for him, he is happy, so why should you be so unhappy


I used to coach for top soccer omg lol 😄😄😄


At first my parents thought I had autism cause I had the symptoms of it but turns out I didn't :)


hope this disease go's away and all go well<3


My nephew has severe aggressive autism & non verbal. He throws temper tantrums & hits himself every day & night.


I wonder if they all have have Facebook besides Scotty?


wish i ever had a relation with 1 of my sister...
to her im just a normal brother... she won't except im autistic >_>
oh well i got 2 other sisters that care so wutever
