Change of Power: The green energy transition | earthrise

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The world is in the middle of the biggest economic transition since the Industrial Revolution. The hegemony of fossil fuels is being challenged as the price of renewables comes down.

But there is still a long way to go. Global greenhouse gas emissions must be halved by 2030 to have any hope of reaching net-zero by 2050.

From a solar testing station run by the Qatar Environment and Energy Institute, earthrise travels to Orkney in the UK where scientists are developing one of clean energy’s holy grails - green hydrogen.

In Norway, we visit a carbon-neutral data centre cooled by hydropower. And we speak to Christiana Figueres, the co-founder of Global Optimism and former UN climate chief.

With reports by Cassie Farrell in the UK and Inspire Films in Norway, this programme explores the green society that could be ours.

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Al Jazeera knocks it out the park once more! Brilliant video:)


Because of the economic crisis and the rate of unemployment now is the best time to invest and make money 💯


Hydrogen is ok. Costs a lot of energy and water to produce, store, transport and consume. Basically a less efficient natural gas in terms of energy and cost but greener.


when the world have good people with brilliant minds, the world move forward.


Just asking for your opinion on a different concept of my own that is quite basic. The build can at least be of 2 ultra strong permanent magnets, one above another where the top magnet stays stationary on a plastic* container filled with water while the other is inside that container. Between the top magnet and the container needs to be a very narrow gap for which a light sheet of lead* can easily slide between the magnets just enough to cause the bottom magnet to fall as if it were a delicate power switch that the rise and fall will help* generate more electrical power than it would take to move the lead* sheet in and out of that gap in least frictionless way, maybe levitated by other magnets. The water is basic to prevent damaging and even far to much noise.
In summary... it would be as if the permanent magnets can be switch on and off like electro-magnets.
I tend to come up with a whole lot of various ideas that worked out awesomely, but... not always able to test some of my ideas out.


I like how nobody talks about the round trip efficiency of hydrolysis based H2 hint: Less efficient than charging a NMC or LFP battery.


RE Scandinavian Data Centers... if done smarter they could heat water for Salmonid Aquaculture or other species and that would be smart


Oil and gas-producing countries try to undermine the process of transitioning to green energy.


The potential of Hydrogen as a fuel and power source is fascinating. I find it puzzling as to why it doesn't get anywhere near as much attention as battery power does especially given that at 7.05 the project manager explains how hydrogen is being used to extend the range of the electric vehicle and as this documentary also shows, hydrogen can power ships and even planes. It will be very interesting to come back to the Orkney islands in 10 years!


We have to transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy like solar, wind, and nuclear.


Fantastic Video. Wonderful Video. Beautiful Video providing enlightenment & Knowledge to All. God Bless Earthrise. May God Bless All my Brothers & Sisters who are behind this wonderful initiative. Wonderful video. All should watch & appreciate. God Bless the Nature. God Bless whole World. May God Bless All. Most Wonderful Program. I would like to join this initiative. May God Bless All. Thank You.


to much bullshit the was a guy the did it like around the 90s have a car the work was going to put it in the market and them he got kill like wtf


Solutions are already there, they just need to go global to make a difference


Hydrogen leaks no matter the material used as its container as it is the simplest element and therefor the smallest. Any other solid element's atom size would be like a size of a basketball while hydrogen atom would be the size of a marble so there would be gaps between the basketballs for the marbles to fall thru. And if the leak ignites from, say, static electricity the flames would be invisible, so you wouldn't know if its on flames.


Its a bejesus i invented because is is both horizontal hoover dams in winds or tides x 1000 and vertical more versital with airfoil to create suction and keep directional naturaly with 100 % bocking and releasing doulble the betza limits upside down and sideways and reverce equally equal and opposite reactions flipping flat blades sideways against it own halfs edges simontanisly bejesus is powerful beyond measure. Amen


Good. Now let's only hope we're not already too late to save ourselves.


"Energy, like time, flows from past to future".


God Bless this Program Earthrise fir enlightening us with such wonderful knowledge. Thank You.


Matlosana must start to grapple with these issues since mining is now a dead industry. Where does one start?
