The Biggest Ideas in the Universe | Q&A 5 - Time

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The Biggest Ideas in the Universe is a series of videos where I talk informally about some of the fundamental concepts that help us understand our natural world. Exceedingly casual, not overly polished, and meant for absolutely everybody.

#science #physics #ideas #universe #learning #cosmology #philosophy #math #time
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Sean thanks for the videos, your floating head at the start makes you look like the science wizard of Oz


Might I just say, you, Sir, are our generations Feynman. Different character, but approaching the same hair style (like it) and keeping us normies amazed with physics. Thank you!


I made time to watch this. Time well spent.


Sean Carroll makes things so much easier to understand for the average person


The Q&A session is even more fun to watch than "lecture" session. 🙂


Im from africa & i wish we had things like this growing up. I basically just watch physics topics on youtube & i wouldve loved to actually study it but physics just wasnt in our imagination. I did really well in science at school & it was my favourite subject but when it came time to go to college we were basically told go into engineering or law. I received a schoalrship for engineering degree, but looking back its actually very strange because i achieved top 3 for science in the school. If youre a young person watching these videos youre lucky & should go chase your dreams because its all there for you, just go for it & do it.


Hey, Sean, thanks for a nice lecture! About 15 minutes in, I start losing some frames of your head, while the blackboard is smooth, not sure if it's my problem or yours, or YT's decreased quality policy. I watch other videos without a glitch. Stay safe and keep them coming!


Gosh where did those 51.10 minutes go ? Throughly enthralling stuff Sean. See you again last week.


Absolutely love the comments section on these videos! Adds to the intellectual content of the video


PUN 1: I'm no boxer man. I prefer German shepherds.
PUN 2: I'm no boxer. I'm a karateka.
Which one is fundamental and which is emergent? Which one is passive and which is active? Are they both paradoxes or none?
_you have 42 units of time to answer or not_


An additional point about there not being free will is that "now" in your brain is a construction. If you clap your hands, the sound and the image seem synchronized, but hearing is a much faster sense than sight. Your brain does a ton of processing to recognize faces, create stereoscopic vision with distances, etc. Yet your brain syncs it up after the fact. I also remember a study where an fMRI showed that the brain sends signals to move muscles before the decision part of your brain "decides" to move those muscles. Conscienceness feels just like the brain creating a story to tell itself to make sense of what it just did and of whats happening on the other side of your skull.


Wow how lucky we are to get to watch your video.

I just love how you plug your book, I will definitely be ordering.

I would be very grateful if you could give your view on Roger Penrose CCC theory, I really find this concept exciting, look forward to your value view point.


The way I've heard Newcomb's paradox worded before is the predictor being an infallible judge of behaviour; they take one look at you, and fiddle with box B. They then declare that 'I put a million dollars in box B for people who are going to choose box B by itself. I put $0 in box B for people who are going to choose box A and B.' They then disappear and you are left to make the choice. It's the same idea in the sense that it's about what you do knowing there is already a fact of the matter when you make the decision, but I think I prefer the one in the video - something about the setup with the behavioural one seems to make people want to try and 'trick' it somehow


I like time travel stories in which event A causes event B, which then causes event C, and then C re-enforces B to happen and creates a loop. In this sense, A is no longer needed to sustain the loop, and may as well have never happened, but explains where the loop came from. This loop could then be considered a "whatever happens, happens" situation, where no matter what you do, you will always re-enforce the loop.


I was thinking potentially Box A has an invisible monster that likes to eat money from opaque boxes before you've opened them.


Thanks for telling us about the books (of which I was unaware). I will get it. I am sure it is good bed-time reading


These videos are truly so fun to watch!! Thanks man!


I so enjoy this stuff from professor Sean Carroll. Everything so nice explained, easy to listen. Listen it to every night. Thank you! Greetings from Serbia! :)


Hi, Sean. I just started reading Something Deeply Hidden (Kindle edition). I just downloaded From Eternity to Here, and it will be next on my reading list. Thanks.


Dear Doc; Time and entanglement are mutually exclusive as superposition precludes acceleration and the time function. That's why we need a dual membrane electromagnetic field with an antimatter half that doesn't have a time function and this brane produces entanglement through strings that are paired with matter strings to form 1 to 3 aspect ratio tori that we call gravitons. The circuit or conduction tesor formed keeps these strings from annihilating as does the conduction tensor holding graviton clusters together, (looks like a barbell). Time just renders these antimatter strings to a recessive manifestation in the graviton and subsequently more complex structures incorporating gravitons. Gravity is just the electromagnetic processes applied to the flow of graviton and graviton clusters around and through Standard Model particles. The clusters are actually gluons that were formed en mass during the GUT Epoch and are continually formed in SM particle cores. These gluons/clusters act like a dipole gas subject to condensation via Feshbach resonance and BCS field effect, and this condensate is formed in the electromagnetic field of galaxies as dark matter that is scattered by cosmic rays . The dipole gas is spin and charge coupled on the surface of leptons and baryons to form the Higgs field operating as an electromagnetic rectenna generating space-time viscosity as it captures the momentum of gravitons and clusters flying through the field. The gas is also the working fluid for a gravitational propulsion system operating as an “ion thruster” through the core of the leptons and baryons. Dark energy is just the increase in quantum friction of the propulsion system in barren space where the Higgs field drags the particle backwards toward even less dense space.
