Boku No Hero Academia - FULL ENGLISH OP3 (Singing to the Sky - Opening Cover)

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Jonathan Young full english My Hero Academia OP3 cover feat. Sixteeninmono

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Leave it to Jon to drop a sick, Jazz-break right in the middle of an anime cover ;P



I'll cut through the mirage then,
there's bright blue sky behind it!
I'll spend forever flying
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes

It's Fate
It's Fate
Achieve the future with our might
Hearts alight, Still we fight!

Seeking out...
all the lies I've ever feared
In oceans- of tears
I say goodbye
'cause time has passed I leave today
no matter what I lose, I'm on my way

Frustration... Humiliation
I need them-
to reach my destination

I'll cut through the mirage then,
there's bright blue sky behind it!
I'll spend forever flying
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes

It's Fate
It's Fate
Achieve the future with our might
Hearts alight, Still we fight!

Impossible to never make a sacrifice
move forward, and take flight
and though I've lost...
I know this ideal will be my guide
through the darkest dark and brightest light...
don't you laugh at me, laugh along with me
I need you... to reach my destination

'Cause I've been meaning to tell you,
those things I should've told you,
the day that I first met you
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes

It's Fate
It's Fate
No sacrifice will be too great
Now before it's too late:

This suffering... it's like a storm over our heads
But I will still rise to my feet
Through the mud of ridicule and doubt
I'm trapped in this storm
and every time I dream
that my ideals are within my grasp
the more I grip, the more I suffer through my fingers
and even with nothing but this warmth
telling me that we deserve to live this life,
and push beyond this stream of disappointment
to where the light shines

And now the storm is ending!

I'll cut through the mirage then,
there's bright blue sky behind it
I'll spend forever flying
(I'll be singing to the sky)

I should've listened to my heart, it was dying to tell you
the things I should've told you
on the day that I first met you
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes

It's Fate
It's Fate
Achieve the future with our might
Heart's alight, still we fight

The End...
The End...
Fight for the future until then
Hear our hearts, we ascend!


I really love the "I should have listened to my heart, it was dying to tell you the things I should have told you" bits because they're so unique! I never hear anything even similar in any other cover of this song. Always love this one.




I've deleted my cringe comments, I likes the videos.


I'm going through some things right now and these intros are really making me feel confident about the future, the lyrics especially, I feel like I can relate to them, thank you Jonathon


season 3 will take plus ultra to a whole new level


The Japanese words that amazarashi uses are a bit difficult and so cool like his voice.
I hope this DOPENESS is translated in English well.
(pardon my broken English)


*in the gym*(looks at phone notification) screams* PLUSS


I want to thank both of you guys for an amazing video. This song is beautiful. I’ve only been into my hero academia for a year now. I got into it while I was in the hospital with a very bad infection. I always thought that this opening was deep even though I didn’t know the words. I have listened to the song Japanese many times and felt a connection to it. I am now going through a divorce and, hearing the English words to this amazing song truly moved me to tears this afternoon. Thank you both very much. Music really is magic.


Ladies and gentlemen... we did it... we have all 3 full openings...

Plus ultra my friends...


Johnathan, you are genuinely one of the most talented musicians out there. It’s not just about your amazing vocal range and ability or drumming skills, you just have such amazing technique. You’re like a metronome 100%. That’s like he greatest compliment I could give someone because I value musical accuracy. You can just tell how much time you spend practicing and perfecting all the stuff you do. Good fucking job bro


when you are doing your history work, but john uploads this song


This is why I only listen to Jonathan Young; he gets the only part of this that I are about right, that is, "its fate, it's fate." Which is the closest to the actual translation of "inevitable" than most other covers I've listened to. That and the drums are just sweet, as are the guitar.


John does it again! You can sing anything, literally anything, and make it badass!


No matter what song, he makes it his own, this man is actually breath taking to hear


Ill cut through the mirage, then
There's bright blue sky behind it
I'll spend forever flying!
(I'll be singing to they sky)
I will make, my mistakes
It's fate, it's fate
Achieve the future with our might
Hearts alight, still we fight

Seeking out
All the lies i've ever feared
In oceans of tears
Say Goodbye
Cuz time has passed, I leave today
No matter what i lose, I'm on my way
I need them, to reach my destination

Ill cut through the mirage, then
There's bright blue sky behind it
I'll spend forever flying!
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make, my mistakes
It's fate, it's fate
Achieve the future with our might
Hearts alight, still we fight

Impossible, to never make a sacrifice
Move forward and take flight
And though I've lost
I know this ideal will be my guide
Through the darkest dark and brightest light
Don't laugh at me, laugh along with me
I need you
To reach my destination

Cuz i've been meanin to tell you
The things i should of told you
The day that i first met you
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes
It's fate
It's fate
No sacrifice will be too great
Now, before it's too late

This suffering
Its like a storm over our heads
But i will still rise to my feet
From the mud, with ridicule and doubt
I've triumphed through this storm
And every time my dreams and my ideals are within my grasp, the more i grip the more they slip through my fingers, leaving me with nothing but this warmth, telling me that, we deserve to live this life, and push beyond this stream of disappointment, to where the light shines
And now the storm is ending

I'll cut through the mirage, then
There's bright blue sky behind it
I'll spend forever flying
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I should of listened to my heart, it was dying to tell you
The things i should've told you
On the day that i first met you
(I'll be singing to the sky)
I will make my mistakes
It's fate
It's fate
Achieve the future with our might
Hearts alight, still we fight
The End
The End
Fight for the future until then
Here our hearts, they ascend

I tried ;(




All of the My Hero Academia openings are so good!


I can't believe i only found this channel today, Jonathan makes the openings 10x better with his English versions and to me it's far more emotional! Superb! If only they used his versions in the English dubs
