Black Moon Astrology Cards by Susan Sheppard 'UNBOXING'

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Black Moon Astrology Cards by Susan Sheppard 'UNBOXING'

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I've got this Black Moon Deck. I'm gonna run & grab my copy because you're probably going to do an interview & I want to follow along again & see what comes through for me. 😁🙏💞🌏


I followed along & got;

18 * Virgo - I analyse
10 * Neptune - Sacrifice
15 * Gemini - I think
50 * Saturn Return - Age
49 * Jupiter Return - Benefits
45 * Part of Fortune - Increase
33 * Ninth House - Faith

In my birth chart, I have a Virgo ♍ Sun & Stellium, and I have Pisces ♓ Rising sign, all in topocentric astrology [not mainstream tropical] (Neptune = Pisces' Planetary Ruler), Gemini is known for being communicative / chatty,

My next Saturn Return [every 27 - 33 years] isn't for another 8 - 9 years (my first one completely sucked something chronic!), my next Jupiter Return will also fall around the same time as my next Saturn one (they don't often match up in timing, so it'll probs be pretty big for me) *** also in my chart both Saturn & Jupiter are opposing each other, so there's a 'tug-of-war' kind of thing that generally goes on between my Saturn - contraction / restriction & Jupiter - massive expansion so this is likely gonna be huge when they both line up in 8 - 9 yrs time for me.

Then Part of Fortune is when there's 2 x opposition's in a chart (if I count the Nodes, then I do have one in my chart) - this is about fate / destiny and can be good luck &/or also to do with soul mates (which doesn't necessarily mean romantic love) & destined partnership's.

Ninth house is about Sag ♐ energy & besides travel (literal long-distance or metaphorical travel) it can also be about either becoming or meeting a guru - like being a Heirophant / Hermit / Spiritual Teacher energy. And 9th house (Sag ♐ ) is opposite the 3rd house (Gemini ♊ ) generally in most charts. And my M/C is Sag ♐ & my I/C is Gemini ♊ . Gemini is early learning, short distance travel, while Sag is long distance travel & higher learning, like uni etc.

Did any of your cards mirror your own chart? Anyway, I'm not surprised about the cards I got for me & I saw you also got Part of Fortune in your reading too. I think that's enough Geminian chattyness from me for now. Hope you're doing well? Thank you again for this review & deck interview SMT.
