Omsk: Rural Tram And Shortest Metro In The World!

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A small public transit system review of Omsk, the second-largest city in Siberia. We've reviewed Omsk metro (as far as it was possible) and paid attention to the beautiful tram of Omsk, consisting of KTM-5 and KTM-8 units cruising through urban and rustic streets of Siberia.

00:00 - Omsk. the second largest city in Siberia
00:27 - The metro of Omsk
02:00 - The tram of Omsk: rolling stock
04:12 - Riding the tram of Omsk
04:25 - Aerial views of the tram of Omsk
05:44 - Problems of the tram of Omsk

Voiceover: @kulichiq

Гражданская оборона — Долгая счастливая жизнь
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I love the incredibly funny sarcasm in the video. So subtle, that unless you understand the context, you won't see it pass you by. For example: 1930's Era Historic buildings, among which are 'smoothly soaring 1980's era trains.... meticulously preserved in almost original condition....' :D Another way of saying "They are noisy as f*ck and have been patched-up fifty million times and the only tools available are hammers and screwdrivers".

Don't get me wrong: I have a lot of respect for the people of Russia. They don't complain and just get on with it. And make do with the resources they have. They are a very resilient people.

Oh: And the video is GREAT! As are all the videos I've watched so far on this channel. Very high production values, lots and lots of actual on-the-streets footage, and great drone shots! A lot of Youtubers these days rely on archive snapshots, generic video library footage and a couple of random screenshots to plaster together a video that gets millions of views. Yet here we are with a small channel from Russia, who kicks their arse in production values. Well done! :)


Мой родной город)) Привет всем из Омска!!!


I almost never click on videos advertised to me, but something made me want to click on this one, and I'm glad I did. I think Omsk looks very beautiful in this snow. I hope the city is one day lucky enough to get the transit it deserves, but I hope it keeps its charm. Cheers from the USA


Got this in my recommended. Very interesting!


I've never before seen such a well-staged and narrated video about a tram system, and I have seen many tram videos. Thank you and keep up the excellent work! Subscribed, of course.


When your metro construction corruption, leaves you with only an underpass hahaha oh man


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to "visit" Omsk.


Виды трамвая под песню "Долгая счастливая жизнь" выглядят офигенно


Хорошо, что есть субтитры. I did it !
До сих пор Омск у меня ассоциировался только с криминалом в кинотеатре «Гигант». Теперь у меня будут более приятные ассоциации. Приветствую всех ждущих весны 🤓


The professionalism, standard of photography, editing and commentary in these videos is quite outstanding. They’re a real pleasure to watch. Where required they evoke ‘atmosphere’ particularly well. More, please.


Видео на одном дыхании посмотрел, а Летов в конце порадовал - не зря он 44 года в Омске прожил


What a great video! And your comments re the Metro are a masterpiece of sarcasm! I want to ride a KTM-5 :-).


I also had this video as a recommandation by Youtube for a while. Eventually, I clicked it... why didn't I click it early? It's so nice to see and learn about the trams and tram systems in Russia without having to use Google Translate. They kinda remind me of how Romania's transport looked in the mid-90s. But now, that era (including with running faster on foot near the tram, people traveling attached to the coupler of tram, trams running only when the driver was in the mood for it, in summer trams running with open doors, trams patched and re-patched in the yard) is gone here, as we had to embrace the new EU legislation (some systems closed, other were upgraded, at least the infrastructure, that obviously reduced the overall maintenance costs; we even managed to get rid of our "maxi-taxi" - similar to your marshrutkas - in most of the cities and towns). I still hope to sometime visit Russia, but it's just a hope, as the distances are great, I do not know the language and I need a visa.
P.S.: Is it bad if I started to listen Grajdanskaya Oborona after seeing this video? :)


My city built a 5 km. tunnel for a metro back in the 1970's and ended up with very old trolleybuses instead of proper metro trains, using full sized metro stations but for very unreliable service... I thought my city was broke and corrupt but Omsk takes the cake. So sorry for the people that work hard and pay their taxes and don't get what they deserve, especially the tram workers.


The commentaries and the long aerial travelling at the end, with the music, are really outstanding. The music is very Russian though makes you think of Rammstein… Thanks for sharing !!!


In Berlin is a subway station, that serves only for crossing the street. The planned subway line may never been done.
In Berlin they modernized the Tatra tram cars and late these came to Poland for cities that can't use low floor trams.
Another way to make Tatra trams accessible to wheelchair users is, to split both parts and put a middle part between with no wheels, so there is no step when entering from a tram platform or a sidewalk.


Очень хорошое видео! Я люблю ваше чувство юмора. Мне тоже нравится песня! Спасибо большое! Привет из Канады.


Вау! Получил эстетическое удовольствие от просмотра фильма. Впечатлен проделанной работой. Спасибо!


Спасибо за короткое путешествие по Омску и его трамваям


I really enjoyed this video and loved listening to how magically described the "beauty of the tram"!
