Why Do Some Players Hate GTA 4?

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In this video, we talk about why some people hate GTA 4 and what parts of the game they don't enjoy. GTA 4 has caused a lot of arguments among players. Let's find out why some players don't like it and what they think could be better.

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Idk why everyone hating on the gray theme I think its unique


But TBOGT Is less dark themed and it almost gives me vice City vibes


One thing I hate so much it's the damn darkness in the game, because you can't see a thing so annoying. Another thing I hate so much it's when you will try to shot with your weapons you can't remove the aim off from the NPCs when you will shot other things that detail is missed, before GTA 5 came out, and they fixed that detail after. Next thing I hate it is when you're going to the ammu nation and buy weapons, the game will not auto save that weapons you bought, like in GTA 5 that is also the hated things for me. And also the clothes stores however. And there is no checkpoints in GTA 4 but TLAD / TBoGT has it frankly.


The number one thing I hate about Grand theft auto 4 is it fanboys. GTA4 fanboys are so Arrogant and nostalgic driven that they forget the games shortcomings and yet try to justify GTA4 supremacy.


GTA San andreas and GTA 5 are way better because their maps are very huge and have different landscapes like Forests, Desserts, Mountains, Highways etc.


For me, what players hate about GTA IV is that the game won't allow you to run away from the police once the police bust you by car. Once Niko stands up after he gets out of the car, the game won't allow you to break away from the police unlike when the police bust you on foot at a one star wanted level.


And one of the biggest reasons is fanboys and hating on gta 5 for no reason. I love gta 4 but I don't like fanboys


I don't hate gta 4 the problem is the gta 4 fanboys


The thing I hate most wasn't mentioned at all: the spam calls. Like, let me go to bed, Roman, it's three in the freaking morning, and I don't wanna go to Cluckin' Bell! 😤 That's what makes this game unplayable for me. It's literally constant, and if you refuse, it affects friendships. One time I called Dwayne, and he was mad at me for ignoring him, I kid you not. He was upset I took the friendship for granted, and refused to hang out with me. And oddly, Michelle did the same once. I went ahead and killed the run. Don't know if my disc is bugging out because it's so old, but the game needs a whole remake. I'm thinking that because the story is perfect as it is, they should just leave that alone and redo the game, add the lines by having actors lip sync them, and there you have it. As if this isn't an essay already, I have to address what was mentioned.

The filter: I hated the gray, dreary filter when I was younger, but I love it now. Colors are greatly affected, yes, such as when it's actually sunny, certain hues look weird, like the mustard sports coat from Perseus. It looks creamy instead of mustard. I think it does reflect Niko's outlook and the game's tone, because notice how this filter is also used in crime dramas and dramas in general. Lighting is very important to the tone of the film, show, game, etc. Comedies usually have bright lighting due to the upbeat tone. I'm a huge fan of noir, but I fear everything that makes art great will die because audiences love certain tones now.

Driving physics: I loved them for the most part. It's just something you have to grin and bear. What I do hate is that powerboats handle like a freaking tank. And the APC was so tricky for me to drive. Even with my finger dead on the accelerate button, its acceleration was still lousy.

Mission structure: I loved it for the most part. The middle of the game does get repetitive, especially when it comes to Ray's and Francis' missions. I hate both of their mission strands, except the iconic museum deal. Francis just has us do evil crap to save his own ass. He's deluded and thinks it's right just because he's a cop.

Activities: I mostly disagree, because the activities are top-notch. A bunch of immersion has been added to GTA IV, and although it needs some of what San Andreas offered, can you imagine different hairstyles being available for Niko? Him with long hair would be terrifying.

Vehicles: They obviously didn't make planes drivable because they know their player base loves edgy humor and ways to entertain themselves, and that someone would've definitely used a plane for malicious purposes. So them not allowing planes to be flown saved them a huge controversy, as the game unfortunately already had enough complaints. What's aggravating is that they've added all sorts of '80s, '90s, and 2000s vehicles to GTA Online. The Asterope GZ is one of my favorite Camry models in real life, and it and every other older vehicle in GTA Online needs to be in a remake to add that variety. Bicycles as well, because they're mentioned to exist on Radio Broker, and the fact you don't see hipster NPCs, and NPCs in general, riding them kills the immersion.

Map: Needs a more accurate NYC depiction. Many say it is accurate except for everything being clumped together, but boroughs are missing, a Rikers Island is missing, and they wanted a countryside originally. This is why a remake is needed.

In conclusion, this game is an imperfect work of art. I loved the realism, while GTA V felt very exaggerated in some of its gameplay. You can't eat in GTA V, friend activities are very limited, and the hand-to-hand combat is downgraded in terms of how weak NPCs are and the fighting moves.

Wow... I don't blame anyone for not wanting to read this. This kind of review is best in video form. Maybe I'll remember it and do so if I ever make videos.


I 100% agree with this list. GTA 4 took multiple steps forward and multiple steps back. They modernized the game and physics, but they took out a bunch of features. I did and still do love gta online racing and that started in gta 4. The main feature that was added in gta 4 that I dont like is flying through the windshield when you wrecked. Gta 4 is still a great game though.


2:35 I was hoping he would bunny hop over the cars and I was not disappointed.


Let’s not forget that the lack of soundtrack makes the games feel boring. Specially since the game has action, it feels empty with no music.


I hated how it was all gloomy and the driving?! Oh don't get me started on the chase missions and the driving! 😂🤣


Why won't the game allow players to break away from the police when the police busts Niko by car but the game will allow Niko to break Niko when they bust Niko on foot whenever he has a one star wanted level?


If felt so depressing the first time (maybe just the earlier versions, but I remeber everything being brown, gray and cloudy), limited weapons and vehicles, that weight on the characters all the newer Rockstar games have and no countryside, even if San Andreas looked worse, it still has probablu the best map in the series (replayed it last week, loved it). Not to mention that the PC port was horrible took me years to get a PC strong enough to play it properly. And it still has a lot of weirdness when it comes to graphics.
But credit where it's due, it's an excellent game. Took me 4 playthrough and many years to appreciate it but now it's my favorite next to San Andreas. Compared to this, GTA V was the best thing ever on my first playthrough, absolute perfection. But nothing to do after that, and couldn't get through my 2nd playthrough no matter how I tired.


I personally like the driving physics in this game
and even though the map was smaller than gta sa it was still more lively city to roam around
this game is still in my heart❤


I love the driving physics. That is one of the few games that will let you do a rolling burn out while break standing. And if you used to driving bigger cars, you will kind of understand why you have to slow down for certain turns, every other GTA cars drive like toy cars


Worst thing there's no definitive edition yet


So many try to be edgy by saying 4 is the best yet it fails with the most important mechanics.


The only thing i hate from gta iv is the fanboys
