Sarawak, Malaysia dan Masa Hadapan Bersama.

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Audio Siar Keluar Sekejap Episod 115 bersama tetamu istimewa, Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, Premier Sarawak membincangkan mengenai kedudukan Sarawak dalam Malaysia serta perkembangan terkini tuntutan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63).

Episod bersempena Hari Sarawak yang disambut pada 22 Julai setiap tahun ini turut menyentuh mengenai misi dan visi serta hala tuju pembangunan negeri Sarawak selain turut melihat masa hadapan politik Sarawak.

EP.115 Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
2:33 Selamat Datang Premier Sarawak
3:10 Perjalanan Politik Abang Jo
21:26 Pasukan Kegemaran EPL
22:45 Sarawak – Negara Dalam Negara?
39:47 Kemajuan Tuntutan MA63
45:34 Industri Minyak & Gas Sarawak
56:39 Sarawak Pemain Global Tenaga Boleh Baharu
1:11:29 Falsafah Ekonomi Abang Jo
1:17:37 Pendidikan Percuma Untuk Anak Sarawak
1:23:21 Sarawak Kingmaker Politik Malaysia
1:34:34 PM Dari GPS?
1:36:27 Masa Depan GPS
1:38:42 Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak Ke-13
1:40:36 Persempadanan Semula Kawasan Pilihan Raya
1:43:48 Geopolitik Sarawak
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I was already surprised by his straightforward no BS answers in the beginning. Then more surprised to find out he knows so much about physics & chemistry and that he ACTUALLY applied them in his daily life. But what’s more surprising to me is that he mentioned Piagam Madinah! How many Muslim leaders nowadays based their leadership on this piagam & actually really follows it? Contrary to what I’ve heard and read, Premier Abg Jo does not only preach but he also practice what he preaches. Truly a leader for rakyat.


Gilalah Sarawak ini... Ini barulah pemabngunan negara. Sumpah berani dalam this "wildest gambit". I pray for Sarawak and Sarawakian success in the progress! Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Sarawak! May Allah bless you in this endeavour!!!


After watching this podcast, it inspires me to work hard to make Abang Jo's inspiration become a reality. Ayuh, Sarawakku


Pendapat saya, Premier Abg Jo sudah cuba sehabis baik mencari income utk Sarawak ...cuma tinggal wakil2 rakyat saja pastikan kawasan masing2 terjaga dan membangun.
X kan nak harapkan semua benda sampai sekecil2 masalah di kampung2 pon nak suruh Premier Abg Jo turun padang selesaikan? Apa guna wakil2 rakyat Sarawak semua kan? Peruntukan besar telah pun di beri oleh Premier Abg Jo...kalau x cukup boleh saja mintak lagi. Harap semuanya telus dan jujur agar semua rakyat Sarawak dapat merasai nikmat di bawah kepimpinan Premier Abg Jo.
Sarawak ni lebih kurang sama besar dengan seluruh semenanjung Malaysia, harap rakyat Sarawak dapat bersabar sedikit lagi untuk mendapat pelbagai kemudahan dan pembangunan sebab ia bukan kerja mudah seminggu dua boleh selesai.

Semoga Premier Abg.Jo di berikan kesihatan yg baik untuk terus membangunkan negeri Sarawak tercinta buat masa yang lama.

salam dari warga Malaysia di Kuching, Sarawak.


1st time tengok podcast 2jam sampai habis... memang another level visi Premier Sarawak ni. Kau tak perlu ada phd pun boleh faham dengan jelas


Saya bertugas di Sarawak 23 tahun. Sarawak is my 2nd home. Saya telah menjelajah seluruh pelosok Negeri Sarawak & memahami sepenuhnya luar dlm rakyat Sarawak. Apa yg Swak perjuangkan ialah hak Swak dibawah MA63. Saya setuju. Keputusan pemimpin Swak yg terbaik ialah menghalang UMNO memasuki Swak. Ini yg menyebabkan politik Swak stabil berbanding dgn Sabah. Selamat Menyambut Hari Swak. Salam kpd semua sahabat di Sarawak dan juga murid2 dewasa saya yg terdiri dari penjawat awam Persekutuan & Negeri.


This is contoh untuk para YB or pemimpin di Malaysia patut ikut, full of knowledge and eager for his people!.. bukan hanya bergaduh di parlimen dgn membawa isu yg nonsence..fikirlah pembangunan dan kesejahteraan rakyat, negeri dan negara.. dengan podcast ni kita tahu this Sarawak Premier know a lot and tahu ilmu Undang2✅ Ekonomi✅ Politik✅ Sosiologi✅ Sains✅ Pentadbiran✅ Leadership✅ Agriculture✅ Theology✅ and FULL OF VISION for his people and the future✅ much respect Abg Jo n hopefully ramai pemimpin di Malaysia fllow his path n please stop gaduh n bangunkan Malaysia bersama..please🙏


the essence (individual perspective)
1. The key is trust
2. Empowerment should be present
3. Build revenue as your foundation
4. Your personal value is not based on your latar belakang, but determined by your merit
5. Hormat dengan kepimpinan/kepercayaan yg diberikan
6. Winning isn’t always about securing first place
7. Private sector drive the economy.
8. Master the niche/ your passion


Aku tiba2 jadi bijak ekonomi bila dgr Abg Jo cakap. Semua benda tahu dari RE, ekonomi, infra and untuk kebaikan anak Sarawak. Walaupun aku bukan orang Sarawak, Abg Jo ni dah jadi my favourite politician and ketua menteri. Seronok bila dgr visi and apa yang Abg Jo cakap psl Sarawak.


Dalam banyak² segment keluar sekejap, podcast bersama premier Sarawak antara yg terbaik dan menggambarkan kepimpinan yang tulus ikhlas demi melihat anak bangsa negeri berjaya di masa hadapan. Semoga Allah permudah segala urusan Premier Sarawak dan barisan kepimpinan Sarawak dalam mentadbir negeri🤲.


Best interview so far. A leader with substance and never in his comment he talks about races or any individual. It’s all about Sarawak. Sarawak is lucky to have a true leader like him.


Aku suka pemimpin mcm ni...bila di lontarkan soalan..dia akan menjawab terus tampa spin2...& jawapan sngt2 berilmu....untung rakyat sarawak ada premier seperti abg jo...


I'm from semenanjung..i m impressed with the wisdom of the Premiere of Sarawak, his sincererity and future genius. Insya Allah God willing Sarawak will prosper and success in its planning.


Very few episodes of "Keluar Sekejap" gives me hope for Malaysia. This is one of them.

Previous episodes:
1. Many of the previous political guests seemed to have past political baggage, unresolved issues, and are hell-bent on politically outmaneuvering the incumbent government, if not replacing them

2. Many of the previous political guests want to demonstrate they are better, smarter, and more connected to the ground. Their focus is on themselves or their party.

3. Many of the previous political guests don’t have a vision on how to govern a multicultural, resource-rich Malaysia. Even if they do, this vision is secondary to their political struggle to displace the incumbent. They prefer to stick to the worn-out and well-used 3R narrative to hype up their base and rankle the other side.

This episode:
1. Premiere has moved beyond personality politics and wants to systematize and institutionalize what has been working in Sarawak to bring a better life for his people.

2. Nothing is a challenge that cannot be handled without sincerity and tactful diplomacy, whether it’s in dealing with the federal government or foreign entities. He conveys that Sarawak is in business and would rather pursue win-win projects than be bogged down by petty federal-state squabbles or ideological tit-for-tat.

3. He knows exactly Sarawak’s value proposition not just to Malaysia but to the world, especially in the green energy sector. He has concrete plans on how to get Sarawak to reach its potential.

My conclusion:
He is a Malaysian national treasure. and we need more political leaders with his vision, pragmatism, skills in getting things done, future-oriented thinking, and not being bogged down by short-term policy making. Instead, we need such leaders who want to make Malaysia a powerhouse in the world in the next few decades.

May all your dreams come true, Premier, and wishing all Sarawakians the very best. Your future is in good hands.

Kudos also to KJ and SH for playing devil. He didn’t take many of the bait that you guys left dangling for him. 😂



Balik dr Kuching 2 weeks ago. Seriously, Kuching city is very clean & maybe the cleanest city in Malaysia


When Abang Jo mention orang kampung sakit, I literally sebak, he really is and always put his people forward, prioritise his rakyat


Sejak tgk KS ni. Lega tgk Malaysia rupanya ramai pemimpin bijak2. Abg jo ni bijak sungguh..


I love how Premier Sarawak being so straight forward, confident & clear of voicing his explanation and purpose. As anak Sarawakian yang mix Iban + Chinese + Malay Sarawak, I am so proud. Doakan kamek dapat balit bekerja untuk Ibu Pertiwiku.


Lepas dengar ni semua, minda aku terus terbukak. Sarawak memang power. Maju jaya sarawak.


Tahniah Premier Abang Joe! Arwah atuk saya, almarhum Ismail Takip, SAO Lundu 1971 mesti akan berbangga dengan pencapaian Premier dan pembangunan Sarawak hari ini.

Harap Sarawak Premier Office akan adakan program apprenticeship untuk melahirkan pemimpin dari generasi pelapis Ibu Pertiwiku suatu hari nanti.

Sik sabar rasanya nak pulang ke menoa Sarawak, menabur bakti untuk Ibu Pertiwiku suatu hari nanti ♥️
