How the COVID-19 pandemic will alter Singapore's landscape

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Safe distancing has been the buzzword of the year, with COVID-19 keeping people home and apart from each other. Designers and architects said the experience shows that living spaces like buildings and towns must become more self-sufficient. From all-in-one rooms to multi-purpose buildings, here's a look at how the pandemic is set to alter Singapore's landscape.

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The Great Reset indeed.

Our green lands are given up for concrete shiny malls where local consumerism cannot support the price tags.More and more shops are closing.
Now that countries are being lockdown, fresh produce being disrupted, we need to rethink about our food sources should we face a fiercer pandemic.
Land already being leased to highest bidder cannot take back for now.
We need to be more sustainable.
We need to recalibrate what is essentials for our human survival.


Matthew 24 v 12
Because of the increase of wickedness
the love of many will grow cold!!

there is no such thing as the new normal!!
It is the New World order!!


Construction builders developed those multi functional communities even before the outbreak not covid19. The only thing it contributes is social distancing and wear mask.


This social distancing and overly paranoid safety measure will turn people cold hearthed and a very self centered society. This will result in the doom of the country. Coz as a country u need a harmony and loving communities.


I'm waiting for GE2025 to change the landscape with WP, SDP & PSP !!!


Even pre covid levels, people also walk 1m apart from each other. I just do not understand whats all this safe distancing all about


Mixed-use developments are not a new thing in the Singapore landscape. Classic examples are Peoples Park Complex, Hong Lim Complex, Golden Mile Complex. They always made sense, and we just completely lost our way in the process, creating huge, characterless neighbourhoods of pure housing and few amenities and shops.


In a room of covid free people with antibody immunities, who is there to infect ?
So, do you need to isolate one another in pods ?
So, you need a station in every s
establishment to check for infection and people should go for periodic antibody test to check their level of immunity before they are allowed to mingle for work or travel.
Hopefully the covid 19 will mutate to the status of the common cold or flu.
Infectious, transmittable but with an immediate cure.
Thanks and regards.


Why is the worker feeding the fish not wearing a mask?


Something 's missing in the approach. Singapore as a small nation cannot do "fashionable" work & lifestyles "transitions" just because changes are needed. We need to be more exact in terms of not wasting our limited resources within an unknown changing world environment as not to costly wrong step our future. We do not command market recovery. We are dependent on world wide activities. No point in tuning engines and using up precious oil if things do not meet our reality for the timespan in meeting up with the new world order. We must step up to meet a demand. We must not waste limited resources within the unknown given time & not meet future demands. The past human activity model has been wrecked beyond recovery in the forseeable future. A new norm will emerge. This will not be anything we can easily understand. More likely, the international community will forego repairing & invent a new order on top of things. The key challenge is to forsee how Singapore is to fit in and to meet the challenges of this new order. Human activity as in the demand & supply will not be the same.


Travel to near by shopping mall. And online shopping.


An example we can be : Innovative
Need to be innovative, create innovative workout equipment that can convert energy into electrical power.
That can be used by everyone.
Maintain fitness & health while creating electrical power.
Reduce healthcare costs while ensuring we are also self sustainable..?


believing in Jesuchrist you are saved read in the holy bible romans 10 : 9 and 10, st jhon 3 : 16 ...
believe in the place where you are the salvation is a gift by grace ...
blessing for yours
