Let's Make a D&D 3rd Edition Character [Extended]

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Everytime I watch these character creation videos I feel compelled to make 15 characters in the system, I cannot tell if its a blessing or a curse

But this is pretty cool


Really Love the multi-class explanation for both 2 & 3e. Quick, easy to digest, and in-depth.


I'm taking part in a 31 day January Character Creation Challenge, and I'm ringing it in by going back to my roots with a 3.5 character. It's been ages since I really made one, so I was worried I'd be a little rusty and miss something. Good thing I have videos like this to come back to and check my work on! Thanks, Zig!


I like this extended cut! I can see how this, especially the multiclassing explanation, applies to Pathfinder.


My dream is that one day they add the full-ling race


Would be fun to see a Mutants & Masterminds series as well since it comes from D&D 3.5


Great video. Your explain made the things much easier to understand. Suggestion: The One Ring 2nd ed. character sheet.


Here’s an obscure suggestion: sojourn, adventures in synnabarr, and I’m contractually obligated to mention shadowrun


Is there a particular source for the icons/sheets you use in all the dnd character videos, its so nice and consistent throughout!


If we're going into 3.0-3.5 Ed multiclassing, I think you really need to do a video on d20Modern.

If multiclassing was an Olympic sport that system (as well as Past and Future) takes all the medals, melts them into spikes, and shoves them into the judges eye sockets. You're not so much as encouraged to have more than one class but forced to as the basic 6 classes only go to level 10, and you have 20 to fill.


A system that I think is very interesting is the Legend of the 5 Rings 4e TTRPG (not the card game which is what most people know the system for).

I really love the Advantage and Disadvantage system in the game, at character creation you can pick from a list of this with the Former costing EXP and the latter giving EXP. Like, you can give yourself an unhappy marriage and get extra exp for that but now the DM can troll the shit out of you with your nagging spouse. Lots of games have a similar system but I feel that the options here can have ALOT more impact because of the setting. Like, your character can just start as the Lord of a whole ass city if you spend enough EXP, and I feel other systems would prefer to avoid such a situation at all costs, whereas here the characters are encouraged to actually take part in the world and setting, rather than basically being outside actors that only really stop other outside actors from ending the world.

The fact you don't roll for stats, or really have major differences in stats between most characters and NPC's creates a VERY lethal system in most circumstances. And 4e toned it down from older versions of the game, but because it features a d10 system with exploding 10's (as in if you roll a 10 you keep it and roll another dice, and if that's a 10 you keep it as well and roll another dice until you don't roll a 10, but still keep that last roll) a literal peasant can theoretically one shot anyone.


Could you try and make a DC Heroes character? (with 450 hero pioints which is the basis).


Next make a character: Rolemaster. I think you'll find it very interesting (and hella' complicated)


going to say it again here make an iorn claw character
