Liking Girls Pics - Do's & Don't

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In this video, I'm on the streets of Cleveland asking strangers some juicy questions! Do you agree or disagree with their answers? Would love to hear your opinions in the comments below!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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Never “like” any of a woman’s social media photos ever, for any reason. Relatives are the only exception.


I temporarily block social media on the weekends. It's changed my social media behavior a lot. I no longer drunk text, I no longer leave those weird creepy comments, in general, I don't really go on social media anymore. Those sites can be addictive if you're not careful. I also started temporarily block certain porn sites. I figured out that if you throw a wrench in easy access to websites, it'll train your brain to crave less of it.


Just don't. Stop following women on social media. You're blowing their heads up.


Social Media Etiquette is definitely an emerging topic in the lifestyle/dating world! I always thought it was kinda stalker-ish to go through a girls page and like pictures from super long ago. Never really saw liking other girls posts as a way of flirting/interacting when I was in a relationship, especially in the college environment, but I was super intrigued by your explanation of it.


Never like a woman's photo that is free validation. Never give a woman free validation.


Great content! I feel now especially with social media people care TOO MUCH about getting validation, needing the likes/views 24/7. Gotta do you and know what you will and will not tolerate tbh


I always tell my single guys friends there are two laws to follow when it comes to women..
1.never be needy
2.never be creepy

You break one of these rules and you messed up


You really hit the nail on the head, Courtney! As a girl, I 100% agree with everything you said. I once dated a guy who started following and liking lots of inappropriate accounts. I’d always been very confident, and I was feeling fit and happy with how I looked. Then, every time he pulled up his phone, it was filled with girls in bikinis and lingerie. THAT’S when I started to feel insecure with myself. And I don’t think a lot of guys understand that most of that stuff isn’t real or isn’t natural, which I think almost made it feel worse.


Hey Courtney. Love your content. Good to know that there are still people out there who know what healthy dating and relationships look like.

I have an idea for a topic for a future video. Comes from my own experience. I've been in a long term relationship for about 10 years, which ended earlier this year. I have decided to get back into dating only about 2 months ago.

However, as you can probably imagine, after 10 years of not dating, I am experiencing some issues with self doubt / confidence, especially that the dating scene has changed so much during that time.

So my suggestion is something like this: How to re-enter the dating scene, specifically after a break up of a long term relationship? Maybe with emphasis on how to overcome feelings of self-doubt and/or overthinking. Or maybe another angle would be a kind of exposition/break-down of how the dating scene has changed during the past 5-10 years as a kind of heads-up to those who have been 'far and away' during that time 😅. Would love to hear your views on that.

All the best.


Had issues with this in both of my previous relationships. It really boils down to clear communication and respect for each other imo.


There’s men out here who legitimately find no problem with thirsting over other women, while having a girlfriend.


"can a i buy your feet pics" lmao. Humans are wild.


I may sound kind of hardcore on this, but in terms of girls posting selfies and pictures of themselves, I never like or comment on such postings. I feel that doing so exacerbates existing problems. If they post something like a cute dog picture or something like that then I might like or comment.

In general, my feeling is that unless I am specifically romantically involved with a girl, it's not my job to give her validation.

If she wants that kind of thing from me, she has to hire me for the job lol.

The one exception to this are friends who are female. I'm not talking about perspective romance but I mean real close personal friends who have been that way a long time and happen to be female. I'll give them positive stuff just like I will my guy friends.


If a girl I'm dating wouldn't be okay with me "liking" photos of other girls or following Instagram models, that's fine and dandy. But if she's following male Instagram models and "liking" muscly photos guys other than me post, then I would have a problem because if you're doing something with/to someone of the opposite sex that you wouldn't want your partner doing, that's a red flag to me. At worst I consider it cheating.


I appreciate people liking my pictures all the time, what I don't appreciate are the stalkers who are constantly bombarding me with DM's and comments. Do whatever you please, but respect the other and be discreet! You won't make her liking you with your overwhelming presence for sure, less could be more in these cases! (my view) xx


Social media does a great job at highlighting insecurities.
Good thing I got rid of it.


If you're in a relationship, stop following women who expose themselves and liking their as you say their "Thirst Trap" photos. It's wrong.


Just don't like or not like. Every click is just giving her another pop off the old validation pipe. Your giving that monster more power.


I have no social media account beside YouTube so I never had to worry about stuff like this


The amount of energy Courtney used to exhale in those sighs can light up a city.
