They never argue facts because they don't know the facts.
With any luck, Trump will deport 10 times that 3 million!
All good points! Trump ain’t perfect! He doesn’t have to be!
So true, the hypocrisy is outstanding, which is why people need to have a brain of their own, do their own research and stick to the facts and stats, because those are the TRUTH!
Libertarian here. Like or hate him, what he ran on he is speaking it into existence. He said he was going to deport criminal illegals, done. He said tariffs, done. Investigating fraud and overspending in gov’t, done. I don’t like the orange man, but I respect how he committed to his campaign promises.
I cannot stand Piers Morgan I do not watch his show I can't even watch a conversation with him on Tucker Carlson! But this was spot on! 🎯
I’ve always liked Piers Morgan’s ability to rationalize things
democrats defense "It was a diffrent time!, people change!" while they where suposidly the anti-war group, while funding war's for countless years. sending tropes to die in irac for nothing.
Can O-BUM-A & the DUMMYKKKRAPS hypocrite ANY HARDER???
facts sir🤞🏾♥️ BIG MAGA & …. i can’t believe people still follow democrats ideology 😂😂
A Brit knows more than Americans do about their own politics. kinda sad...
Absolutely... I have a couple relatives that are Democrat and they won't even discuss any of it with me... They never have any facts and they just can't compete in a conversation because they know they're wrong for supporting people that do what they do and then trying to call themselves Christians.
I used to despise watching Piers Morgan report the news because he was SO liberal... but he's come a LONG way in the last 20 years. It's been amazing to watch him change as he learned the real truth along the way.
Such freaking hypocrites, I can't stand trumps mouth but at the end of the day i judge him on what he said he was going to do.and what he actually does, democrat president's can say they want and do the complete opposite and. They don't hold those guys accountable at all,
It's hard to admit it to yourself, is all about 🤔hyper Egos
Talking about things they don't understad
And they gifted him the Nobel Peace Prize.The ultimate DEI move.
Obama IMPORTED TONS of Somalian, Ethiopian, Etruean peoples
Well said, thank you Piers, I thought you were a staunch democrat...
The platform Obama ran on before his first term was so conservative with today’s standards, he’d be considered a republican all day.
No way they will have a tough time they ignore facts and go with their emotions