The Day I Found Out (10/15/10): My Breast Cancer Story

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Some say breast cancer treatment takes a year of your life, but after that, things more or less go back to normal. I plan to continue documenting my experience. We'll find out together if that is true.
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Amy, thanks for the great video, found it while looking for info.


@amykstudio No worries! Sometimes, when there is not a support group in the "here and now", it is nice to hear similar things with my online buddies. I start to feel a bit "alone" with all the little nuances and experiences we go through, especially at this age and all. I think people mean well, but they don't test it out in their minds first to see how it would sound to them!!! Peace and love! Keep fighting every day, and when you're tired, rest a bit and don't ever give up.


Yes Amy and I found it very violent and told the doctor so and she agreed, but they pretty much do what they are told to use by their superiors. So glad to hear u r on right now. Was hoping u could find out what type of chemo your friend from high school was on to keep her tumor at bay so she is able to work now. after my cat scan on the 23 of oct my tumor is growing fast, not sure if it s from the contrast i drank for the scan or the cancer It baffles me I was doin so good Happy Thanksgiving


Sending love to u. Ur hubby is so supportive...stay happy and healthy together 👫


There is a video on here showing how they do the punch biopsy and the instrument used. I'll send it if I can find it here on you tube..mammograms cant be good for us either. Sqwishing the breast espec if it has cancer cell living in a small lump cant be good. My diagnosis could only be detected by the gentler ultrasound which I think can detect more than mammo and less painful, but I was tortured many times in the mamm machine after the punch biopsy and clip implant which caused more pain


It is scary, Lori, definitely good to express those emotions! The important thing is to be sure you have doctors that you trust and who you feel comfortable asking all your questions. I also had to take steroids for side effects of the meds and did not like them at all! Sending you hugs.


Biopsies are bad. punch biopsy it was called. After mine was done thats when all my pain began and still suffering. We r the guinea pig, your husband is right. My diagnosis May 2011 surgery oct 11 2011 Did u have chemo first?


Thank u Amy Hugs to u too and hope u had a great day yesterday. The bad thing is I dont trust none of the doctors and really dont think they know what they are doing when it comes to cancer. They just do what they are taught by those above them. And if chemo and rads do stop the cancer it is only by the grace of God and is not up to what they use. So Chemo is my last chance and if God wants me to survive it I will. I am going to try to go back to alkalizing and see if that will help


But, she was asking from concerns of chemicals and sent me a natural deodorant. One of the most thoughtful gifts ever!


I think you're right that doctors (or anybody) doesn't know as much as we'd like about cancer and the best way to handle it, but they do know the statistics on the drugs that have been used in the past and it's sort of a gamble but they play the odds. I hope that you at least like your docs and trust that they are smart people doing the best they can on your behalf. And good for you for taking charge of your own health and healing as best you can. <3


Ugh, that's too bad. I've never had too much trouble with the mammogram. I've heard that medical professionals used to believe you should not squish or massage when there is a tumor for fear of spreading the cancer, but since then they've debunked that idea. The cells are so tiny and there is enough wiggle room around them that things don't spread that way at all.


Thank you for sharing, being real a loving couple


My doctor told me by phone as well. She asked me if anyone else was there and my husband was. She said to have him get on the extension because I would not remember anything she said after hearing "cancer." I also found my lump during a shower. The doctor saw me right away and it was crazy- from the time I saw him to the mastectomy was 12 days. It think I went through it all in kind of a fog of disbelief.


Your husband is right about the rep and the machine. And yes Amy the trauma of the punch biopsy can not be good for us or the mammograms. ?Would they ever squash testicles in a mammogram like machine. I dont think so but Im sure the pain might be less than the pain I felt with a potato size mass in me being smashed. Some what glad I dont have to go thru mamms anymore but wish I still had the vessels that fed my babies when they were born. It is sad and should not have ever happened :( loss


Im scared cause a close friend of mine lost a friend whose tumor was growing into her arm pit, but then I think of your friend who u say has returned to work and I feel better and hopeful. I know we are all different, so I may not die from this, but it scares me that its growing so fast and the onc didnt change the chemo this past monday So maybe they r waiting to see what happens.The steroids seem to plump up the tumor which cant be good.Steroids are bad and if one can go without is best thanku


There's really a term "punch biopsy"? Wow. I had surgery then chemo then radiation.


Have to share something funny. After surgery could only sponge bath for a few weeks and no deodorant. A friend in Minnesota messaged me and asked what kind of deodorant I used. I asked, Oh my gosh, you can smell me all the way there? (From INdiana)


It is sad, I agree. hugs to you sweetheart. A testicle squishing machine? Funny!! At least no one has to stick a finger up our rear ends to check us for breast cancer like they do for guys and prostate cancer! :)


I hear that you're feeling victimized and vulnerable and it sucks that you don't have doctors that you believe genuinely care about you. That is too bad! I agree that there is a financial incentive to develop drugs fro cancer and I'm sure it limits the options but also I read a long history book about cancer (called The Emperor of All Maladies) that was very interesting and it seems to be true that there have been positive discoveries and treatment is better than it used to be.) Best wishes!!
