Write a C Program to Swap Two Numbers Using a Temporary Variable | Swapping of Two Numbers

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Write a C Program to Swap Two Numbers Using a Temporary Variable?
In our c program to swap numbers we will use a temp variable to swap two ... You can also swap two numbers without using temp or temporary or third variable.

C program to swap two numbers , C Program to Swapping two Numbers using a temporary variable , C Program to Swap Two Numbers , C Program to Swap two no's without using third variable , How to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable,C program for swapping of two numbers , C Program to Swap two numbers without using Temporary variable , a simple logic for swapping values of two variables without using , Swap Two Numbers using Temporary Variable C Program , Swap Two Numbers without using Temporary Variable C Program , c programming interview questions and answers for freshers , c programming interview questions for experienced , c programming interview questions for freshers , c interview questions , Basic C Interview Questions , C Programming Interview Questions , C Language Interview Questions

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C program to swap two numbers with and without using third variable, swapping in c using pointers, functions (Call by reference) and using bitwise XOR operator, swapping means interchanging. For example if in your c program you have taken two variable a and b where a = 4 and b = 5, then before swapping a = 4, b = 5 after swapping a = 5, b = 4


C is a general-purpose, imperative computerprogramming language, supporting structuredprogramming, lexical variable scope


This page contains examples on basic concepts of C programming like: loops, functions, pointers, structures etc. All the examples in this page are tested and ...
