The Christian resurrection was never about the physical body!

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Indeed tk ashra kwesi straight dropped on this one true indeed


Man, I wish I could be so knowledgeable and talk so confidently about a subject other than McDonalds


what the hell folk still in distractions


Stop with the music when someone is speaking.


You are sadly mistaken. Words die words will not live forever but scriptures, only scripture last forever. The reason the scriptures was made was to keep records, words will only stay the same so long until someone mistakes them and changes thousands of years if history but you can not do this with scripture. It's like the kid game " telephone " by the time you pass a sentence between 30 people the sentence changes if you pass a note between 30 people it will always stay the same. As far as why the bible has changed its words so many times Is because do you speak Arabic or aramaic? No exactly, the bible must adapt to spread the word through many different languages some times translation changes things but the fundamentals stay the same. Yes if we still spoke Arabic the bible would be identical but no you speak English. . There's are many other scripture that proves christianity besides the " bible " do not spread false testimonies for you are the one our lord warns us of, you are the wolves in sheeps clothing, you are the ones who temp ones faith, we was clearly warned of your kind. You are the enemy and God prepares our hands for battle.
