The Christian resurrection was never about the physical body!

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There was No Empty TombꟷGospel’s Resurrection Accounts Never Happened! -Rabbi Tovia Singer
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Historical Fact vs Faith
Christopher Hitchens on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ | Frank Turek gets HITCHSLAPPED #shorts
What are the proofs for the resurrection of Jesus?
Jesus Resurrection Mythology | Apologist Won't Tell You This
Mark Doesn't Have A Resurrection?
The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Ancient Fiction? | N.T. Wright (Oxford) at UT Austin
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas)
8 Hidden Details You Never Noticed in Valorant | Easter Eggs & Secrets
Lee Strobel - The Case for Christ: Evidence for the Resurrection (Reasonable Faith Conference 2018)
Why is Jesus' Resurrection Important?
this easter egg was so creepy that it never returned
Lee Strobel: The Resurrection vs The Truth | Kirk Cameron on TBN
The Death and Resurrection of Christ | Billy Graham Classic
Resurrection of Lazarus
Hidden Google Easter Eggs🤫 (Part 2)
Experience the Tomb of Christ Like Never Before | National Geographic
Conclusive Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection (John 20:19–29)
Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ important? | What does the Resurrection Mean?
REMARKABLE Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection
STRANGE Facts About Jesus Christ's Resurrection You Didn't Know! Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon
I Am the Resurrection and the Life, Part 1 (John 11:17–36)
Is Resurrection of Jesus Real?