Linear Battery Eliminator for VTVM's (REV 1.0)

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A huge thank you again for all that continue to Join us in the lab for repairs and alignments. The channel would not exist with out all of you so thank you again for dropping by.
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In this video we take a look at a design that I am working on I would like to build a battery eliminator that works on a linier supply instead of a switching supply. Tolerances are tight engineering is bad and an adventure issues. As always more is on the way, and I will see everyone in the comments.
** Repair exposes the Tech to mains electric and should only be done by trained personnel. Errors can be fatal. **
Ways to support the channel:
In this video we take a look at a design that I am working on I would like to build a battery eliminator that works on a linier supply instead of a switching supply. Tolerances are tight engineering is bad and an adventure issues. As always more is on the way, and I will see everyone in the comments.
** Repair exposes the Tech to mains electric and should only be done by trained personnel. Errors can be fatal. **
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