My father managed Jerry Reed from the 1960's thru the mid 1980's and Chet Atkins from the 1960's until his death. I was privileged myself to perform on the same nights at the Grand Ole' Opry as Jerry and have him on my Las Vegas shows as a special guest. The boy could shred it.... in Nashville we called Chet the Methodist, and Jerry the Charismatic
Let be clear on one thing, Jerry Reed is the most underrated guitar player ever. He is not only a great fingerstyle guitarist, but an innovator as well. Miss you Jerry
Jerry Reed, man that takes me back. A long gone era of story telllers and entertainers. He was talented, funny, and incredibly genuine. He always came to enjoy the show just as much as the audience.
The thing about accomplished players who have mutual respect for each other is, how apparent it is that everyone is genuinely having a good time making music together.
Jerry Reed. Just downright fun to listen to every time. Never heard him with B.B. before. A real treat
Great analysis video
Thanks Fil
B.B. King's tone is just unearthly. Doesn't matter what he's playing, doesn't matter who he's playing with, one note and you know B.B. King is in the house.
Beautiful! There is always so much happiness on stage when Jerry Reed is involved.
Back when music was entertainment was enjoyable to watch. No rude clothing or vile words and lyrics. Both class acts.
We've lost so many of these greats in recent years. Thank you for recognizing them and exposing younger people to their great talent
Jerry Reed and B.B. King are two great gentlemen and legendary guitarists that I will always have tremendous respect and admiration for. Such really nice down to earth people that can never be replaced. Rest In Peace gentlemen.
Jerry didn't start acting until he was well known for his music.
Had the privledge of seeing B.B. and Chet Atkins in very intimate environments... both were Mark Twain-level story tellers and their respective musicianship blew me away in person. And Jerry... legendary, influential player. Legends... all of them.
When you get 2 great guitarist jamming and enjoying themselves like happens! Excellent Fil! Cheers Mario!😀👌🤘
That was pure fun and enjoyment of the talents that compliment each other. Loved it.
Don't know how I missed this. Think we have a new genre here: smooth country swing jazz. I loved how BB King was always so relaxed with every one he played with. He was always himself.
I've always loved Jerry Reed. Looking at the stage and knowing it was at the Opry House, I'm pretty sure this was from the show "That Nashville Music." We got the Nashville stations on cable and caught this on WSM channel 4. BB King was an incredible performer, and he and Jerry are just magic together.
I miss shows like this where the music was the real star. Thanks, for showing this one, Fil!
Fil, I love the consistency of your videos. You are so consistently knowledgeable in the history of the song and the particular performance, and you understand and describe in layman's terms the music. You are so young, but know so much. I'm very impressed with you, and your soul that you want to share your love and understanding of music. I know how hard you must have to work for every one of these videos, but I'm so impressed by how consistently good you are in every one of them. You should be very proud of yourself.
Two great players having a good time in the No shred zone. Not trying to outdo anyone, just complimenting each other. Nice to listen to. Thanks for analyzing this one. The world misses these two men.
Sweet! Love both of them! I can't believe I've never seen this before. Thank you for this!😀
jerry was east bound and down, loaded up and truckin on this one