How To Set The RTL-SDR To Receive HF and AM Radio Bands

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The Version 3 RTL-SDR can receive below 25 Mhz.
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I really was thinking this was the worst receiver ever since I was only receiving local FM stations. Wow, this helped tremendously. Thank you very much. Simple!


Thanks! I was scratching my head at this. FM stations were great. Not even a blip on the MW broadcast.
A lot to learn on this little unit, so I'm in for a lot of fun. I got the rtl-sdr v3 with the antenna kit. Looked like the best reviewed, aside from those that thought it was plug and play.
I followed the installation directions exactly as put on their website. Got a little nervous with a couple settings but held my breath, hit accept and voila! It worked!
Thanks for posting this!


Thank You!!!! I recently bought and was at a lost with medium wave. Appreciate you posting!!!!


I wondered how to tune into stuff like that, and this answered my question! Thanks a bunch! It's a good thing that I have a V3 dongle.


Thank you so much. you are a sdr noob's god. Banging my head for a week now to hear AM sttations!


thank you, was setting my screens and antenna, got better reception on RTL-SDR for the SW commercial stations, and HAM, 60meters (HF).


The V4 has a built in up-converter and works much better than direct sampling method in receiving in those bands. It's even slightly less expensive than the V3.

An external up converter or an SDR that's designed for that frequency range will also work better than this method, but will cost extra.


I have not set my RTL SDR Blog V3 up yet but am very close to doing it. Your video probably will save me from pulling my hair out and a lot of disappointment and for that I am grateful. Seriously I thank you.
Now that being said and I am not being cruel but Please, Please work on your video. It is terrible and blurry. Seeing is the most important thing on YouTube and your video is seriously lacking.
Please take this as a constructive criticism and not just being a complainer of ungrateful.
People like you make the difference for those of us that need and appreciate your efforts. I do some videos and I know how much time it takes and it is a thankless effort. There are some free screen capture programs. I suggest you make an effort to try to use one. I just watched a video here on YouTube and loved the effects and the clarity of the video. Some people do not even have any audio. I just ignore those and go somewhere else.
Keep up the good work and know that there are those of us that genuinely appreciate your sterling efforts. Keep up the good work.


I got excited when I saw this video on why the RTL-SDR won't get HF freqs, since mine is crap down there too. Once Q-Band was mentioned, hopes faded for me too. I know my dongle "works" 'cause I do get one local station that's 5 miles away, that's it. And it comes over very very weak, when my cheapie portable AM radio gets it loud and clear. Long wire makes no help.


Oh that's awesome! Thank you so much!


That is important.... but being a newbie...and something that most people fail to emphasis... ANTENNA.
Is more important than software or dongle to picking up respective bands.

Using any of the 3 stock antennas that come with the RTL-SDR kit... you will still not be able to get the HF and AM radio bands. They seem only to work well in the FM band, a bit in GMRS (you can't hear the voice, but you can see the signal). NOAA doesn't seem to come in no matter what which is weird since all my physical radios - handhelds and mobile work fine.
You mentioned you have a relatively long outdoor antenna... I think for those of us who are new to us, need to realize that is REQUIRED to get any long, medium, short, ham bands to tune in.


Thanks. I was trying to figure this out.


Been fooling around for 2 days and could not get AM to be found with QubicSDR on Mac. Your video helped me, even though the software is different; the logic applies. I still cannot pick up HAM, CB, etc.... I think this is due to my antenna but not sure, because there is a repeater less than 1 Mile from my home. Thanks for your help.


Still having issues on MW band. Changing the software setting got me one AM band station (normal radio gets many). I know it's an antenna problem because putting my hand on the dipole that comes with the rtl-sdr/V3 blog kit, causes an increase in gain and gets some more stations. Tried running a long wire to the coax feed of the dipole but no-go on that idea. Sending the kit back since it only gets FM and weather band clearly. Expected the tech would be further along by now- especially the software driver set up. Great video. Best of luck.


Thanks for this video. I am now getting stations above 120 MHz and 423 MHz. I use SDR ++ and set it to Q branch. I am just using a few different lengths of wire as a simple antenna on my back porch. I am now considering adding an Lna board.


I have a lot of problems with harmonics using these inexpensive receivers. If I go above the 20 meter band I get receive tons of harmonics from lower frequencies. I still haven't figured out a way to eliminate this. I suppose an SDrPlay or AirSpy would not have these problems and that's why they cost a couple hundred dollars.


Thank you for this info i was getting next to nothing on my usb device but getting a lot of stuff now. I am getting signals on the FM band but only hear people on AM in the FM band, any ideas. Thanks again am going to order a good antenna tomorrow


AM antennas for small radios have a different design compared to the typical telescoping metal tube for FM. How much is that going to matter if you just have a dongle plugged into a laptop?


Where do you open that rtlsdr toolbar ?


I didn't see what you clicked on at 1:43 because the camera was zoomed in too far.
