Allies AT Gun Comparison(M1/Qf 6/ZIS-3)

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00:00 Statistics
00:15 Close range against Panther
01:07 Close range against Panther (Max Vet)
01:53 Max range against Panther
03:06 Max range against Panther (Max Vet)
04:17 Abilities
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Great vid. 6pounder winning a number of tests there, at max vet almost reloads as quickly as the M1. But when I play usf (mostly teamgames) and encounter a panther, I immediately pop AP rounds, and then the M1 should be the clear winner! It's soo satisfying to have 2x M1, pop double AP rounds and activate the spotting ability on one and get free hits on German heavies <3


Just as I expected, the 6 pounder is the best "at" gun out of all three. The zis reload time make soviets incredibly vulnerable to armored all-ins. Couple that with a tank destroyer that has no turret and you have one of the factions that is most reliant on double at gun meta.


57 мм пушка хоть и была основной для Британских танков начала 1941-1942 гг. Но уже к 1943 она устарела, даже наличие подкалиберных снарядов не спасало. Нужно было взять за основу как советский ЗиС-2 дырокол, который на начало войны в 1941 году, был мощнейшим пт средством. Хотя сложности производства, заставили свернуть производство до 1943 года. Но ради справедливости, 57 мм британская пт пушка вполне отлично отправляла немецкие и итальянские танки в небытие. Тут скорее уместно 17 фунтовку поставить, калибр был бы равный.


I have heard usf players complaining about their at gun. But 270 manpower ist dirt cheap.


zis gun is the best infantry gun, british has the best range out of them all, and usf has the fastest reload time there simple.


The M1 is the exact copy of the OQF-6 in real life, the americans adopt it from the British, why would the performance so different


Makes no sense logically, the zis is a significantly larger round than either of the others


Not sure where you're pulling your stats info from, but both in this and the pak/rak video you had sight ranges at 30 and range at 55. Standard sight range is 35 and all AT guns have 60 range except the raketen at 55.
