MOTOVUDU - Trackday Rider Training Part 10: Relationship Between Lean Angle and Throttle

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The importance of the relationship between throttle and lean angle. How to use it to win time and stay safe.

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Planning to watch 10 parts a day to keep everything registered :)


I ride a 300cc bike on track so I can use full throttle about whenever haha


Excellent advice from one of my all time favorite rider. thank you Simon


Good advice for preparing for the track. Because of the traction circle, right? You said sth about the contact patch but isn’t it more about the centrifugal force?


Just a matter of words kinda said it backward at 0:07 “throttle opening is directly proportional to lean angle” -> this means we should apply more throttle as the lean angle increases. The correct phrase would be : “inversely proportional” or simply “directly related to”


1:00 wrong, on full lean you are using the largest contact patch and have the most grip. Most tires use also softer compounds on the sides.
But all this grip should be used for compensating the centrifugal force, not for full throttle acceleration in the corner


Simon, I'm following your advice as i want to become a safer rider (more than faster, eheheh), and the bike really feels more planted and stable in the corners. Thank you for that!
But i have just one doubt: when cornering closer to the limit of the tyres, it seems that i need just an extra "touch" of throttle to get the front grip better and maintain the same speed before the corner opens, than i would need if cornering with the bike more upright. Is it possible or just my impression? Not sure if I explained myself right. Anyways the principle is: leaning with closed throttle, when maintaining leaning angle keep same speed through throttle control and throttle out at corner exit, right?
Greetings from Portugal.



so i also have to continue countersteering until the bike is leaning more?


Hello, MotoVudu - can you please answer a question? I want to clarify the advice in this video. When you say "throttle position" you actually mean acceleration in general? I'm asking because, as I imagine, it is possible to go into a corner with a quite open throttle position (for example 10-12k revs) and then open it up a bit when after you hit the apex, so that revs rise even more, and it would be ok, as long as the acceleration is not too big for available grip? I understand that situation as I described it is probably is not typical, but it could exist, couldn't it? So in general one would have to correlate lean angle with acceleration instead of throttle position?

P.S. Sorry if all I've written is nonsense, I'm new to sporty riding and want to understand the concept thoroughly.

