The Who - The Story of Tommy Documentary

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An in-depth analysis of The Who's 1969 Tommy album. This documentary contains new sound mixes and 100s of newly cleaned up and colourised photos. Any money from the adverts goes to the copyright holders. So, donations to cover the costs of making this are welcome. (Note, I actually paid for the various software I use and that sitar player!)


Happy Jack & I'm a Boy

1921 Piano

This site was invaluable in helping me write this:

Some of the live videos are from the great collection at:

The most misunderstood band in my opinion. Much darker and more introspective than the 'classic rock' label they get thrown in. Excellent vid as always


Gotta love Tommy! I hope I speak for many when I say a Quadrophia video would not be unwelcome!


My father new Pete and Roger when they were all teenagers playing in pubs and small clubs; my father was in a band with his cousin Dave "Cy" Langston. My father quit the music business shortly after The Beatles emerged, but remains a music lover to this day. He of course bought Tommy when it was released so it was an album I grew up hearing and have always held it in high regard as a great work. Having doubled back on my father's escape from the unstable world of performing arts and production, and having made my career in it, I found this investigation into the ablum's creation very interesting.


I’m glad you mentioned S.F Sorrow! a lot of people don’t realise that, that record IS the first of its kind


Brilliant, absolutely brilliant documentary. Your timing with photos and musical
passages were both ear and eye candy for me.
The original 1969 album will always hold a strong place in my heart personally and musically.
Just the Overture/ It's A Boy alone is a spectacular musical achievement.
Thank you for putting in such incredible work for this video. It assures we why this period of The Who is my personal favorite of theirs.


I still hold that Townsend was and is one of the best songwriters in the classic rock era and think of “Tommy” as representative of an archetypal search for the self theme. This theme was revisited in “Quadrophenia” as well as Genesis’ “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway” (NB, that the main character was named Rael) and Pink Floyd’s (Roger Waters’) “The Wall” among others. Thanks for the video and all the research that went into it!


Just so good. Seeing a new posting is like an event.
The quality of production is on par or even better than
commercial docs out there. I’m pretty sure you could
make a doc on the history of peanut butter and it would
be entirely entertaining and informative. I would never
look at peanut butter in the same way. I also commend
your research. Every doc I’ve watched I have learned
something I didn’t know (and I know a lot!). I thank you
for that.


Brilliant video. I always think Tommy has been forgotten about. It has always been one of my favourite albums even though I don't consider myself a huge Who fan


Much appreciated. I can't imagine the research, editing, colourization, compiling, etc. that went into this project. My hat's off to you sir. Stellar documentary!
I want to add that you brought to light the fact the Who were rehearsing Tommy to be able to do it live before the final mixes were even completed on the album. That speaks volumes of the brilliance of Pete Townshend and the Who. The Beatles never achieved that with Sgt. Pepper's.


Great documentary, Rael! You took Tommy to a whole new perspective!
Also, nice to hear our wicked Uncle Ringo at the end!


Brilliant work mate! We're lucky you're around.. thanks for all the effort!


I'm astounded by the coinciding of your videos with my newfound interest in the bands you make documentaries of. These are all great


Stunning. Absolutely stunning. Tommy was always one near and dear to my heart and nice to see it examined and evaluated in a fresh new way.


I've been a big Tommy fan since I was a child. I learned so much from your video. Thank you.


And this was released right after I got back into my Who phase, fantastic work man!


I commend not only your enthusiasm, but your precision on these little mini-docs you do. Haven't missed one yet, even though I'm a supremely casual fan of Yes and ELP at best, though I do respect both. Tommy is like your Genesis videos, in that both groups are both truly in my wheelhouse. Well done, as always. Take another like, and keep up your good work. Cheers to you.


I loved the 70s. By far the greatest decade of rock n roll ever. How times have changed. When I think about the WHO I remember Keith Moon. Thanks for sharing


Very nicely done. I have always loved Tommy & The Who


Very very very good job .And Tommy masterpiece total Long live The Who


Just bloody great this, and popped up just as i was thinking yer tube was going flat.
Great work. There is a lot on here i hadn't heard and never knew the background to, despite growing up with this album and being hugely influenced by it. Thanks so much
