History of England for English Literature #3 | Renaissance | Tudors | Elizabethan Age (1485-1603)

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The video talks about the History of England, important for understanding the English Literature. The period covered is the Renaissance period, till the year 1603. This will be helpful to all the students of English Literature who are preparing for any kind of competitive exam, like UGC NTA NET-JRF English or DSSSB, etc.

History of England for English Literature #1 | Anglo-Saxon Period (till 1066):

#historyofengland #elizabeth #virginqueen #elizabethanage #spanisharmada #battleofagincourt #crusades #magnacarta #hundredyearswar #waroftheroses #peasantsrevolt #blackdeath #johnwycliff #normanconquest #normandy #alfredthegreat #anglosaxons #historyofenglishliterature #ugcnetenglish #englishliteratureinhindi #englishliterature #englishliteratureinindia #englishhons #MAEnglish #ignou #SOL #dsssb #ntanetenglish

Рекомендации по теме

Hi, would that you hadn't stop this series. It's very informative and comprehensive. Thanks 😊
