Webinar: Equal Treatment: Challenging racism and health inequalities

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Recorded 6th September 2022

Equal Treatment has been a short term project aiming to challenge racism and health inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities from minority ethnic communities and their families.

The work has been led by three partner organisations, Changing Our Lives, Contact and Include Me Too. They have been working with self-advocacy groups, family groups and community groups to support them to think about their role and action they can take in challenging racism.

You can read more about the project here

Join us hear more about the project and what each of the partners has learned through the work. Covering a range of topics including, challenging racism and health inequalities, coproduction, what groups have learnt and the actions some are taking.

There will be presentations from each partner organisation and the second half of the session will include an opportunity to ask questions and have conversations with the partners and other attendees.

Speakers Include

Lucy Dunstan, Deputy Chief Executive Officer from Changing our Lives.

Jo Green, Project Lead and Mary Mulvey-Oates, Early Years Project Manager from Contact

Parmi Dheensa, Executive Director of Include Me Too

These sessions are open to everyone and of particular interest to self-advocates, families, support providers, community groups and commissioners.

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