An Update and an Airline 93WG 609B Radio

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Thought it was about time I posted something. Here is a nice Montgomery Ward Airline Radio, as well as an update on what's been going on lately and what's coming up. There seems to still be an audience for these videos, as I keep getting new subscribers. Don't know how many of the old-timers are still around to see this, but, figured I owed you guys an update. Thanks for Watching. And oh, by the way, I completely forgot that the Tesslor radio, which is not a vintage radio, sitting to the left, does have a tuning eye.

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Glad to see you're still kicking around and thinking of us.
That ol' Wells-Gardner radio sure sounds great!

Hope you enjoy your those tango lessons,
and sorry about your friend.

Thanks for checking in, good luck, godspeed.


The Radio Attic is a very good site to purchase restored radios from on the Internet. David Martin does and sells very well restored radios and oftentimes very unique and rare one's. A Wells Gardner radio is always a good bet to purchase as they made great radios. Stromberg Carlson also made some great radios and earned the title of the "Rolls Royce" of radios.


Al we miss you on the tube, hope all is well, take care and 73, Tom


Welcome back, Al! I love my Airline 93WG. Nice compact radio with a tuning eye. I'd love to find a movie dial Airline yet for my collection. Anyhow, I've said so on FB, but again my condolences on the loss of your friend. You never recover from something like that.


Al sorry to hear about your friend the good one are hard to come by. They say say time heal all wounds I don't know about all that. But hope you feel better soon. Thats a real nice radio to. And it was good to hear from you again my friend keep in touch


Sorry about your friend. Also really nice shelf you have to display those radios.


Good to hear from you Al. I like your Tatoo as a tribute to your buddy. See ya -- Atco


Al, it's so good to hear from you again. Funny, I was just thinking of you the other day. Yeah, life is a mix of the bitter and the sweet, and you have my sincere condolences. It's depressing as shit that as we get older, we find we're saying those kinds of goodbyes with increasing frequency. It's just the way the river flows. Please keep in touch as you are able. Karl


You must work for the government, I'm waiting for that 62 as well where FERS does not penalize you for retiring early. Sorry to hear about your friend one of my classmates from grammar school died just last month too, the first I know of but, I know there will be more. Beautiful radio, I don't have that one but I have always liked that model.


Hi Al...When you get to Argentina, make a YouTube video of you dancing the Tango...and don't forget to put the rose between your teeth...John from Arkansas would get a big kick out of


Retirement will hold more radios for you I assume :-)


Al - first and foremost, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your best friend. Take care and thanks again for update. Best, Don


Nice to here your still working on retirement plans. So sorry to hear you lost your friend. I have lost a few close friends, I'm a bit older than you, and I still think of them quite often. Nice radios and good luck on retirement plans.


Never got a notification so here I am six month late. What a bummer! Anyway, my condolences on the loss of your friend AL. These things always take their toll but eventually we pick things up and carry on. I hope you had a blast in Argentina. I'm due to retire in November - not sure what I'll be doing either....
Take care and drop in the you have time.
Cheers, John


Your videos are great your collection is outstanding hopefully you make some new videos in the future


Wells-Gardner made some very good radios for many different stores including Montgomery Ward's, Coronado and probably many others. The radios they made for Airline in the 1950's aren't considered very collectible or attractive but they are great radios and most have an RCA Jack on the backside (the one's from the 1950's). Coronado's "The Westerner" came out in 1952, the same year "Gunsmoke" first aired on the radio with William "Bill" Cannon. I always thought as westerns were so popular at the time, and especially "Gunsmoke", Coronado named the radio "The Westerner" after "Gunsmoke" as it was the most popular western on radio and then later on television. Today it is a classic. William "Bill" Conrad will always be the real Marshall Matt Dillon to me. The rest of the radio cast was great also including Howard McNear (Doc Adams), Parley Baer (Chester Wesley Proudfoot) and Georgia Ellis who played the first "Miss Kitty".


If you move to South America, will you pack up your radios and ship them or just keep a few and sell the rest? I would hate to see you go.


It's about time, you slacker. Whatever reason, I figured you were forever gone from YT. I'm still on sabbatical, but have often thought about you. A couple of times I was really tempted to send an email, but decided otherwise ...opting to not disturb your privacy. But it's very good to hear from you again...and it's also good to see you're still in our hobby.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Tough to say, but it's all out of our hands. The best we can do is continue to march because life is for the living.
Hope to see you again soon, my friend.



Well darn Al, it's good to see you as Gene would sing " back in the saddle again" my friend. That " 62 " will sneak up on you fast enough. One bummer thing about the golden years is you see friends go to the next level. Best thing you can do is remember them. Take care pal.


First of all Al, I am really sorry for the loss of your life-long friend. Life can hit you hard sometimes without any warning, then boom... That is really a great tattoo as a remembrance of him.
Second of all.. On a lighter note. Welcome back! Trust me, all of us are really happy to hear from you.
Third... Still considering "south of the border" for your retirement? Make sure you choose wisely. Columbia sounded great in the past but look at the horrors that are going on there at the moment.
Lastly... You really have room to wedge in a few more radios? I don't dare show up at my house with another one. {8-O
Don't take so long next time. Yeah... I should talk!
Take care my friend!
