Is SYRIZA’s Win a Hollow Victory? (2/2)

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This seemed like a very clear analysis of the situation provided very early in the vote tally. It was interesting to hear that one scenario explaining why the Popular Unity party even existed was because they had been booted from Syriza. I did notice during the memorandum voting that many of the Left Platform members had voted for the memorandum and said they did not want to see the Syriza party fall. It also seemed that the Left Platform itself was composed of multiple internal groups, most of which did not agree strongly among themselves on a particular direction for Greece; sort of a hodge-podge of virulent anti-memorandum-ites. It remains to be seen whether the Popular Unity party will continue to exist, let alone grow, over the coming years. In any case, it hardly seems relevant. By the time of the next election in five years, there won't be anything left of Greece to save.
