I'm Miss Sensitive, so when I watched this episode of The Fairly Oddparents just recently in a long time (my favorite episode) I cried at the ending when Timmy was telling the fairy council how Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof were his family and only made the secret wish because he didn't want to lose them. (sorry if I spoiled the ending a little but a lot of people had already said what his secret wish he made, anyway)
Timmy's secret wish is to save toys r us
SPOILER ALERT:he wished that nobody aged so he could stay ten forever and nobody questioned it and he made cosmo forget that he made the wish
Timmy's secret wish is to become a purple unicorn that wants to learn about friendship. ;-)
He wished for a lifetime supply of fresh memes for everyone.
I had a dream about this show it was about i was timmy and his fairyoddparents avoided me so i went to Gorden and i said that they were avoiding me and then my fairys said so? We were Right there! and i said oh yeah? Well Where was your magic when i needed it the most! and then they went to prison xD
sorry to spoil the moment but timmy's wish was that no one ever ages.
Some people say this episode was bad, I unironically enjoyed it.
So the best way to destroy Timmy is by taking Cosmo and Wanda out of the equation
this comment contains spoilers for the episode
at the end timmy's secret wish is for everybody to never age he made the wish 50 years before the episode aired and then when it's revealed timmy looses his fairies and then the ending credits roll. :(
If you want to know: his secret wish was for everyone not to age so he could keep his fairies forever
Just 1 1/2 year left until the show goes bad
I love this the fairly oddparents episode!
@violetrockstar260 you mean he's actually 60
Timmy sharing his fairies w/ Chloe would've made so much more sense if it were a punishment for his Secret Wish, instead of being a (much LATER, completely UNRELATED) seperate special about some fairy shortage
To date I find this to be the weakest Fairly Oddparents Movie! Wishology was better than this!
Hold on. So...what makes a secret wish so secret? October 1, 2019, 11:14pm
Timmy wished for Zayonne's photos
Was this special made for the 10th anniversary for fop?