[QB] 4.0 Inspired Server (QBUS/QBCore) - ORIGEN V2

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Origen V2 QBCore Inspired 4.0 Full Server
Preview is 80-85% of the server :)
Join Discord to Purchase.
Don't Buy From Anyone Else Contact us Directly otherwise w'll not be responsible for your loss.
- With Custom Jobs/Scripts.
- Based on Latest QBCore.
- Custom Robberies/Jobs Included.
- A Full Fledge Roleplay Server, Install and Launch!
- The First and Best Available in the Market.
- 4.0 Inspired UI.
- Contains Whole Inspired 3.8 and 4.0 Assets (Vehicle Packs, Clothes Pack, Weapons Packs, Many More)
- Contains Server-Side Graphics Pack too
0:00 - Connecting
0:12 - Loading Screen
0:57 - Multi Character
1:18 - Clothing Menu
3:05 - Chat
3:37 - ID Card
3:47 - Inventory
4:40 - Emote Menu
4:52 - Radial Menu
5:35 - Shops
7:23 - Banking
8:51 - Bug Report
9:28 - Trash Search
9:42 - Vending Machines
10:02 - Ammunation Store
11:46 - Hud System
12:16 - Vehicle Shop (Car Dealer)
14:46 - Garage System
15:47 - Notepad
16:44 - SkateBoard
17:40 - Death Screen
17:54 - Rentals
18:10 - Paid Parking
19:02 - Granny (Grandma Revive)
20:04 - Community Service
20:31 - Chopshop
26:01 - Oxy Run
30:50 - Weed Run
32:00 - Burgershot
37:37 - Mechanics (Jim-Mechanic)
41:16 - UwU Cafe
45:22 - Limeys
46:52 - Little Tea Pot
49:14 - Fishing
55:08 - Postal Job
57:41 - Mining
1:03:56 - Recycle Job
1:06:16 - Farming
1:09:24 - Food Deliveries
1:11:13 - Electrical Worker
1:14:41 - Tow Truck
1:17:48 - Gruppe 6 Job
1:20:38 - Taxi Job
1:22:12 - City Worker
1:23:58 - Pizza Delivery
1:25:39 - NPC Delivery
1:27:13 - FPS Menu
1:27:52 - Hacker Tablet
1:29:43 - Outdoor Weed Planting
1:30:36 - Football Matches
1:31:15 - Books
1:31:59 - Blackmarket
1:33:37 - Punching Machines
1:34:05 - Housing Script
1:34:55 - Crypto Miner
1:38:36 - Admin Menu
1:41:25 - Bus Job
1:42:21 - Fitbit
1:42:35 - Garbage Job
1:46:16 - Hotdog Cart
1:49:33 - Jewellery Robbery
1:51:55 - Lift System
1:52:33 - Reporter Job
1:53:35 - Pawn Shop
1:53:48 - Chopshop List Job
1:55:04 - Tow Truck 2
1:56:50 - Indoor Weed Planting
1:59:00 - Ammunation Robbery
2:00:16 - ATM Robbery
2:02:10 - Bank Robbery
2:05:09 - House Robbery
2:07:05 - Store Robbery
2:08:04 - Truck Robbery
2:10:07 - Car Heist
2:13:02 - Ambulance Job
2:14:32 - Radio System
2:15:02 - Ambulance Job CONTINUED
2:19:12 - Police Job
2:24:06 - CCTV Tablet
2:24:42 - Finger Print Scanner
2:25:07 - K9 Script
2:26:30 - Spawn Selector