We have four Great Vedas. We are blessed to have them. Learn them there is nothing to lose.
When God(Krishna) himself come to earth to teach something only a fool will close his ears .
.Yoga sutras is written by Patanjali...Sadguru says he has respect for Patanjali but not read the book written by him huh??
I never eat Apple but I think its salty 😂😂his logic
I Will Literally stare at a white wall with utter silence for hours than listening to him.
There is a difference between realisation and knowledge.
Realisation of knowledge > Words in your brain
A person who hasn't read about God about Sanatan has no right to comment on the God and devotees of God of Hinduism. He is a thug which misleads people, a true Guru conveys the massage of God to people and do not misinterpret what God says, when Krishna himself comes to earth to teach something only a fool will close his ears to avoid listening
big lier.. till today I was respecting his words.. now he destroyed that completely
Radhe Radhe ❤️ Hare krishna
Without Gita, Life = 00
He however uses Hindu concepts.
He has an opinion without reading.
He is sadhguru
This happens only with those who are puffed up with mode of ignorance.. Without realizing their true self that who that person is and where does he belong too n what's his purpose here.. May Krishna showers his mercy upon him and show him the true path of life. Hare krishna🙏
Don't listen to him. You can't be a Yogi unless you follow all the 4 paths: Raj yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga. The essence, the core of Sanatan Dharma is seeking the Ultimate Truth who is God. It clearly talks about how us in this body-mind state are nothing but a part of Maya unless we disintegrate and vanquish them to the Reality, The Brahman. That is when we become One with God in mystical terms. No matter how hard we try we can't build our utopia in this world. We can only SEEK and GET the TRUTH. He could not help but recite Shankara's Nirvana Shatakam onMahashivratri and I have to say it is beautifully recited. But it is what it is.
This man is only a motivational speaker i think😂...always read guys..the only great thing to do is to read..gyan is everything😊
BG 2.46: Whatever purpose is served by a small well of water is naturally served in all respects by a large lake. Similarly, one who realizes the Absolute Truth also fulfills the purpose of all the Vedas.
He is just a hippie with fancy clothes.. with his own philosophy
So into attachment not real
He isn't any yogi..he is just good with words, manipulates perfectly..
It's important to recognize that when a person deeply engages in spiritual practice and sadhna, they often acquire profound self-knowledge. In this state, the need for external reading diminishes as knowledge naturally flows to them. However, it's also crucial to respect diverse beliefs. Not everyone may share the same perspective, and that's perfectly fine. Beliefs are deeply personal, and attempting to impose them on others is neither productive nor respectful.
Regarding the similarities between religious texts, it's true that there are common themes and stories found in various religious books, including the Bible, which bear similarities to ancient Sanatan texts. This highlights the interconnectedness of human spirituality throughout history. While some may view these texts as divine stories, others see them as inspired by or influenced by earlier traditions. Ultimately, beliefs are a matter of personal interpretation, and individuals are free to choose what resonates with them."
This makes 💯 percent sense. Another person’s thoughts will probably never become your reality
Lot of haters here, but his reasoning makes sense.. Spiritual teachings can reduce the value and power of our own purest form of perception and experience
Upnishads and Bhagwat Geeta are holly scriptures of hindu religion.
If u never learn these books than my friend ur not Hindu or sanatani
Now I can also become Guru, Because I haven't read anything spritual yet 🙂👍