This Is How To Get Your Body pH Balanced!

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If you're too acidic, how can you get your body to a more natural state? Dr. Robert O. Young provides some important information regarding alkalinity. From food to water and sun exposure, find out what you can do and how quickly you can change the balance in your body.
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The Bible tells us that Life is in the Bible also states that What seems impossible with men is not impossible with is your victory !


Alkalinity is good for you since alkaline batteries are better for your

This guy is absolutely priceless.


Our different body part has different PH values and so Soda will be 
Neutralized immediately in stomach where it is huge acid. 
Blood has very narrow range of PH that is 7.35 to 7.45. It is all the time alkaline and never acidic.
If ph value fall we get symptoms of acidosis and lungs comes in to action.
and if it is increased it is alkaloids and kidney comes to the action.
Somebody talking that when alkaline blood flows it carries more oxygen appears to be unscientific.
All acidic food we talk like pizza burger chips and all processed food are very rich in sodium and
totally potassium deficient, we have gone away from natural food created by god which is
Potassium rich and with balanced sodium which we say alkaline food. 
Our body has two fluids ECF(serum) and ICF.
Serum is having very low potassium and magnesium and very high sodium. God has made this composition of Serum so that enzymes do not function here and just opposite composition of ICF where enzymes do function. By eating so called acidic food we push huge sodium and make body potassium deficient this changes composition of ICF by invasion of sodium replacing desired potassium there. Sodium also carries water and swells the cell bringing the cell in the state of Edema.This is root cause of all degenerative diseases listed by Max Gerson in his book right from high BP diabetes Parkinson and cancers of all type. Have you heard of any body who’s BP and diabetes heart problems etc  got cured by Pharma?
By eating natural fruit juices raw diet salt less diets and avoiding processed foods and animal protein we  start reversing the damages caused by so called acidic foods and we restore cells deficient of potassium and invaded by sodium creating a state of edema.
Once cell including cancer cell starts loosing sodium from their ICF and gets back potassium 
It starts comes to natural state and state of cellular edema starts getting over. This is a real healing process. This restoration process helps restarting of enzyme activities at cellular level in all the cell of body including cancer cell and cancer is converted to normal cell.
they follow programmed cell death called apoptosis and cancer cell commits suicide.

I am an engineer with strong chemistry back ground and have read this area 
extensively these days when my wife was diagnosed relapse of triple
negative 4 th stage metastatic cancer with 26 tumors in multiple locations.
i have read 4 books and nearly dozens of research papers. if some body wants i can email all those.
Made a plan for her and She got completely cured .

k c jha


It's entertaining to read so many ignorant, pre-programmed statements. Thank you all for that.

Step #1 for me, as far as water goes, is to make sure it's free of chemicals such as Chlorine and Fluoride.


Baking soda has helped me tremendously. I get instant relief, and it usually takes 2 days to fully get all of the acid out of my body, going to the bathroom.


Thanks. It won't hurt to give it a try and see what benefits it will provide to my body


I did a test a while back. I took two glasses of water & tested one of them with a PH strip test. Water was very acidic. in the 5.0-5.5 range. I then put a very small amount of baking powder I bought at the health food store & tested again. The reading from the treated water raised the water to within a normal PH. 7.5 range. No expensive machine, just a very small amount of baking soda. I might point out the Baking Soda I bought at the Health food store said it didn't contain any aluminum.


With Doctors such as this one, it vividly obvious GOD loves us.


I find it interesting that books on the shelves are cover with paper.


My body became acidic due to chronic candida. Candida is a fungus that overgrows due to bad stress and too many bad foods. Antibiotics can add greatly to this as it kills off our good gut bacteria. Good gut bacteria is needed for a healthy immune system preventing us from getting sick.


this man has an oratorical mind. As for his machine, it retails for $654.00 if you buy countertop model and $754.00 if you want the under-the-counter type.


To remind those who have forgotten, water has hydrogen bonding that causes it to "clump together". It has two exposed electrons which causes water to "restructure" or to expand as the water begins to freeze which is what the rest of us normal people call it. This is why it is so important to tell the truth. It is easy to lie, but it take practice to tell the truth.


I LOVE Robert O Young. A brave truth speaker that has been attacked beyond any reasonable purpose


Don't get into anything too complicated. Just drink water slowly mixing each gulp with saliva. Eat slow too. This will take care of most every thing.


This Is How To Get Your Body pH Balanced!,


Send love and appreciation to your water BEFORE you drink it, amen.


using Baking soda or food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide is another xcellent way!


See also Ebay Germany under "Wasserwirbler". In addition you only need two bottles with appropriate fastening. We use this to show it with coloured water in the kindergarden! This way they learn it for the rest of their life.


WOW that's amazing. I had already worked some of it out. I've always had extreme difficulty swallowing water. About a year ago I decided to try to alkalise my body. One method I use is to process whole lemons (bar the seeds) and make up bottles of lemon water to consume every day. The very first thing I noticed was how EASY it was to swallow. I explained to some friends that I believe the lemon puree broke the water bond. :-) Like it. I'm now totally addicted to lemon water. :-) Along with lebanese cucumbers, dates, and other things. But I'm notoriously bad with green veggies so add supergreens to my daily fruit salad. Have had a reading in the low 7s but now am usually around 6.6 saliva. Not good enough. :-( Looks like somehow I'll have to get onto greens. I find that very very difficult.


can you add armand hammer baking soda to water to alkaline the water??


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