Townshend Selectboard: Townshend SB Mtg 7/11/23

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00:00:00 - 1. Meeting Call to Order:

00:00:10 - 2. Approval of Minutes: Approval of the June 27, 2023 regular Selectboard
meeting minutes. Approval of the June 29, 2023 Emergency Selectboard meeting
minutes. Approval of the July 5, 2023 Special Selectboard meeting minutes.

00:00:45- 3. Additions and Deletions:

00:01:18 - 4. Members of the Public:

00:00:00 - 5. Correspondence:

00:52:00 - 6. Warrants:

00:00:00 - 7. Reports:

00:01:27 - 1. Highway:
00:53:00 - 2. Treasurer:
00:53:46 - 3. Town Clerk:
00:00:00 - 4. Chair:

00:00:00 - 8. Old Business:

00:04:50 - a. Bazin Brothers revised bid
00:09:50 - b. Bartlett Tree Service contract
00:12:10 - c. Dead River oil contract
00:14:05 - d. Road name change
00:44:00 - e. Common/Town Hall Use policy
00:44:40 / 00:46:58 - f. Green Mountain Power document to sign

00:46:00/ 00:00:00 - - 9. New Business:

00:46:00 / 00:51:10 - a. Set date former Special Selectboard meeting to set the tax rate

00:54:10 - 10. Executive Session: VSA 313(b) - personnel
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