Knobcon 24: Swamp Flux's Biggest Foot Euro Rack Module

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At Knobcon 2024, Swamp Flux's Wray Bowling introduced us to the *Biggest Foot*, his first Eurorack module. The Biggest Foot is a CV controller using gaming balance boards. Designed to make use of these abundant resources, the Biggest Foot allows for really expressive control of 9 channels of CV in unipolar or bipolar forms, and supports integration with other modules to create dynamic and responsive patches. It includes features like stereo panning, reverb control, and a random source named 'Lefty', allowing for creative flexibility.
And it's a heck of aload of fun ;-]

00:00:00 Introduction to Biggest Foot
00:01:08 Features and Usage
00:02:17 Integration and Functionality
00:03:32 Availability and Contact Information


As is always the case with modular, there’s a ton more you can do with just one added dimension of control. And here, you get nine. :) I look forward to showing off more ways I use it soon. Thanks for stopping by, Sonic State! It was an honor!


Ray did an amazing job with this module. Well thought out. I got to test it at the convention. One other point he forgot to directly mention is that on the 3x3 outputs (which you think about as zones), each of those is cv recordable. Stunning work by a new designer. Wish him all the success.


That's actually really handy (pun intended) but also clever since you repurpose obsolete tech! Always in for expressive ways to interact with my modular!


Omggg, the case stand is made out of K'nex!! #mindblown


it works amazing to control elements with all those attenuverters, well done wray ...


my ears!, but good idea and will probably pick one up
