Prophet Adam (as): Story Of Adam (AS) (True Story) | Jannah Destination | (2021)

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Prophet Stories In English | Prophet Adam (AS) | Stories Of The Prophets | Quran Stories | 2021

Assalamu Allaikum Brothers and Sisters:

The life story of Prophet Adam (as). This is a story based on Quran and Hadith. These videos are also giving a historical knowledge about Islam religion. So let’s begin the story of Prophet Adam (as), the first man, the first human being .
So let me tell a short story about the video
Allah(SWT) created the first man using clay and he named him Prophet Adam (as). He didn't move for 40 years and first time Allah(SWT) breathe his spirit into Prophet Adam (as). Then Iblis was angry and didn't obey Allah(SWT)'s order . Allah(SWT) sent Iblis out of paradise. Then Prophet Adam (as)lived a happy life and after few years he became lonely. Allah(SWT) gave him a wife, the first women that is Hawa (as). As Allah(SWT) already said that not to eat the fruit of tree of knowledge now Iblis was angry on humans and he thought Prophet Adam (as)would have forgotten the word of Allah(SWT) and he tricked them to eat that fruit and they ate the fruit unknowingly and Allah(SWT) threw Prophet Adam (as) and Hawa (as) out of Paradise and story goes on.

Prophet Adam (as): Story Of Adam (AS) (True Story) | Jannah Destination

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Рекомендации по теме

Question 1: Who was the first man to live on earth?
Question 2: What was the name of our Prophet Adam (as) two sons?
Answer them below! May Allah(SWT) increase our knowledge! Ameen!


1. It's Adam(as)
2. It's Qabil and Habil
