Im a huge 53 yr old Pink Floyd Fan, I always thought this backup singer was a black woman with a powerful voice like that, she's got that soul and she's got them lungs...Pink Floyd is quality timeless music, it never gets old no matter how many songs you listen to again and again, everytime is like the first time for me. Anyone else feel that way?
She's remembered the words after all these years.
The first time I heard this was laying in the floor with a speaker each side of my head and a joint in my mouth back in the early 70s.Priceless.
Clare Torry was made to sing on The Great Gig in The Sky! One of the greatest vocal performances of any song ever written
Let's all keep in mind that Pink Floyd toured with 3 backup singers (who were incredible in their own rights) who each had a go during this song. So the fact that Clare is singing this SOLO from begining to end is quite remarkable, even if it's not exactly like the album. I find there is something organic about this performance, and since the song deals with the concept of "death", it makes it even more emotionnal that it sounds different live. Her voice was made for this song, and this song was made for her voice.
Perhaps the greatest musical lamentation of all time.
One of the most recognized backing vocals ever in the universe...
only her can sing this, no words, but she remembers the emotion
Now that I've learned it was Clare Torry who sang the background to Floyd's Great Gig... I feel better. I wish she would have been included in the wealth made by their albums and included more.
Her voice shaped my childhood and teen years.
Thank you #ClareTorry
Love how Rick Wright just looks at Clare and just smiles, thinking she still has it
They finally invited her to play live after she had been denied years of royalty payments. Very hard to reproduce the 21 year older original....especially after the 21 year younger Clare Torry originally recorded it. She gives it a gallant effort and who can reproduce historic
How someone can just open their mouth and make sounds that send Goosebumps all over my body 🙌🏻 nice work
Still makes the hair stand on my neck after all these years. Simply spectacular.
Clare Torry gave 3 hours. Rick Wright intended an interlude that compressed life and death in minutes. She nailed it. Without words, Clare takes you on a vocal journey through life in 3ish minutes. Personally, I'm at 2:40. She had no idea what to expect when she walked into that studio. But Alan Parsons and Pink Floyd inspired her exactly toward what they wanted. 3 hours later, one of the best vocal performaces EVER was recorded. Clare Torry, you are a god. Thank you for sharing.
I love watching her eyes. There is nothing but the moment she is living in, then moving to the fulfillment of the next.
Frickin Perfect.
At 1:40, you see Rich Wright smile. He's not smiling to anyone else, he hears Clare interpreting his music in the most beautiful way.
The most confouding thing to me is that Clare walked out of the session thinking she had failed. Yet she had given one of the best recorded vocal performances EVER.
What does that say about how we feel about ourselves? I'm thinking, that's exactly that is the reason for Pink Floyd.
Its her song. She made up this improvisation. The credit came only few years ago!
Wow, first time seeing Clare Torry doing it live. Thanks for posting.
I was 13 when the album came out. I had lost someone very close to me. This song made me cry then and still to this day.
I was in the Navy when Dark side came out me and my shipmates wore out and album listening over and over. I sat in the amphitheater in Pompeii where they recorded their movie
I always assumed it was a black woman singing that part.
3 minutes 40 seconds of vocal nectar. I'm so happy to learn she got to do this live with the band.