What Does it Mean When a Guy Constantly Stares at You and in the Eyes

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As a man, I can say this is 100% true.


Ugh, I had a guy show me all the signs including staring deeply into my eyes, always trying to agree with me, complimenting my personality, flirting with me, being super awkward and nervous around me, encouraging me and being vulnerable and emotional with me and yet he had a girlfriend the whole time. WTF!!


question: this guy stares in my eyes no expression no smiling no no blinking doesn't talk to me and its a long deep stare does he like me?


I always stares and he always stares at me 2....


My crush makes proper eye contact when he talks to me staring into my eyes and I stare back trying to work out if his pupils have grown bigger but his eyes are literally pitch black and I cant tell lol


Yes my crush has done this twice so far. First he's smiling, talking, and happy to see me, even kinda nervous but when we're alone together in the elevator his whole demeanor changes and he stares into my eyes so intense with no smile. The second time he leaned in like he's looking for something inside me. Or like he's looking at my soul. I always break the stare because we would just be staring like this for eternity it seems! But when we leave the elevator he gets talkative again then gets nervous and says goodbye.


you seriously are the BEST! you have the answer to all of my questions and i LOVE that you get to the point.


i caught him staring and now hes mean to me


In the past week I have seen this handsome guy twice at college. Once, my friend and I were eating at a table near the window to a lab, and he was sitting in the lab right next to that window. I was laughing hard and smiling and having a good time with my friend and was happy. As I'm talking to my friend I look to my right and he is turned in his chair sideways/backwards and staring into my eyes, although not smiling. I looked back at my friend, then back at him again quickly, then back at my friend. I felt him continue staring for a couple more seconds and then turn back around. Multiple times after that I caught his glance as he looked back. When he left the lab, he walked past our table and turned his head around to look at me again. One week later I was smiling again with my friend in the food court and he happened to be in line across from me. I slightly noticed him and walked to another area with my friend, then I turned back to look at him and he was still looking straight into my eyes, but again wasn’t smiling. He seemed not quite stuck but like he was waiting for me to do something or let him know I was interested. I am hoping I see him again but I don’t know how to react to him and what his actions really mean? Thank you so much!


This has nothing to do with anything but you remind me if Joe..the R'n'B singer


I have seen several of you videos, I feel your spot on for the most part, thank you for making these videos!


What does it mean when a guy stares at you and you stare at him back but only for 1secondand look away but he's still staring at you?


Okay . What if he knows you like him and he stares at you with a look in his eyes that you can't quite distinguish ? Not like a creepy stare, um one you can't quite tell if he's kind of using his eyes to smile at you or to get another kind of reaction from you?


As a girl this is actually very accurate


Thank you dating logic. There is this guy at the gym who has been staring at me for almost a year now. At the time my self esteem was low and I was focused on my fitness goals. The last thing on my mind was guys. He has never actually spoken to me. He has stood really close but he never talks... just stares straight at me. One night at the gym it finally hit me... he likes me.That's how I came across your videos. I really like that they are concise and relatable. They have helped me understated the male psyche a bit more. The next time I see him I will say hi...


yeah so i went up to him last week and told him i had a crus on him. he said, "why me?" I told him I didnt know bc i didnt want to get into it at my job's parking lot. so then he said "Well, I'm flattered." So later we passed by each other and he saw me 2 to 3 seconds before i saw him and he waited til i made eye contact with him before he gave me the up and down look. i thought he was criticizing me but supposedly when a guy lets you notice you "checking them out" that means they are interested. so excited


It's true. I watch her eyes, her face, a lot. You want to properly listen and pay attention but you also get involved in figuring out "are you alright?"


My god you are so knowledgeable and i like your honesty and you are one classy gentleman. I have always made men uncomfortable and nervous because i've been told even by women that i have "come to bed eyes" ! You are so right about the stares. I would for sure be coming back to learn from a man's point of view. Is there any way of asking more question but more privately? Well i'm still very very attractive especially for my age and not to sound too big headed there was a guy who used to work in the same area as i and whenever he used to see me he would on top of his head call out " OH MY GOD THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD" !! even women would say how beautiful i was, am or would gang up against me and heat me for no reason. i would like to ask more questions but feel embarrassed.Is there any way to talk to you in more private way? Thank you anyway.i really enjoyed listening to you, especially having seen some other silly, rude and crazy


Soo true, because this guy has NOT made a move on me. He just stares at my mouth while we are talking, until I show signs of feeling uncomfortable...( he has NEVER got "Fresh" as we called it in my day) he's younger than me by the way....we are Just. Friends....Thank You👍☺️


Yep. I got that stare. A few times. Problem was he was my boss and married. I didn’t feel I could do anything and I knew that, if anyone lost, it would be me. Just couldn’t trust that I wouldn’t end up the office slut, that he maybe actually never truly been interested in. But, he did seem to develop some insatiable curiosity about how I thought. I did feel he wanted some type of reciprocation or at least to know whether I was getting the message and understood. Like he became starved, a bit, for at Ieast that. I did shyly respond, when he pushed it as far as he felt he could go, without getting himself into trouble. I still doubt he had any idea how much he validated things for me, as well.

I still think of him all the time, years later. I no longer work for him and his wife died. He’ll never know that, if he was feeling the way I was, WOW, did I dig him! All other men were just guys to me. To me, he was a cross between a Sigma and Alpha male. Good looking AF. Quiet, confident, smart. I’m a Sigma woman.
