Yass or Pass? #26 Let's Chat New Fashion Doll Releases! (Barbie, Monster High, Decora Girlz & More!)

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Credit for the Yass or Pass video concept comes from Hannah over at Smokey Glow. Check her out for quality makeup and social media commentary content!

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I just find it SO funny that Lenore is still up for preorder and yet the item that sold out in MINUTES was the Draculaura orb 💀💀💀💀


I feel like, recently especially people are so harsh on collectors who complain about or even comment on the EXTREMELY high prices. You can’t even say “hey maybe we’re being ripped off” without a hoard jumping down your throat saying you’re just mad because you can’t afford them. It’s 0% about personal finances or even “limited availability” and absolutely about multi billion dollar companies pushing low quality products for an extremely marked up price. A “collector” or “specialty” doll should show that in quality and what they’ve been pumping out from Mattel creations including (and especially) the off white monster high colab


Lenore Loomington looks like something from the Disney theme park line. If you told me she was a Collab with like haunted mansion or something I would’ve believed you. You can decide if this is a compliment or an insult lmao


The Lenore thing depresses me cause she's an amalgamate of so many things I enjoy; candle aesthetic, dark gothic, spiders! And then it all kinda came together like a school project everyone forgot to do until the final week...


Lenore Loomington is so disappointing... I was expecting her to be more gothic and Edgar Allan Poe-themed, due to the name. The final result feels very playline and lackluster. It's funny that the Draculaura Magic 8 Ball sold out quickly, whereas Lenore is still in stock lol


I would love to see a series where you go through your collection and show us all of the dolls you have line by line and talk about your favorites. I'm trying to get into more collection dolls I love instead of completing lines and I think you always have fantastic descriptions :)


I wanna meet the people in charge of pricing collector dolls on Mattel Creations because how the hell are these prices so inconsistent


Oh Lenore… the way they hyped this doll made everyone’s expectations sky high. She’s not terrible, but she is definitely not a $75 doll especially when you compare her to other $75 dolls like the entire haunt couture line.


isn’t one of the reasons why people were kinda Eh about the new Barbie Dream Besties head-sculpts was because they were super reminiscent of EAH?


Holy I guessed the 12 days of Spring Barbie was, like 45$ at the 160$ is insane


kind of obsessed with the draculaura magic eight ball LMAO


more doll companies should send you PR bc as a non-collector, you’re the only one who’s ever made me actually consider buying a doll


I'm 100% with you on Lenore's design and disgusting price, but strip away the weird design elements, unpainted pieces, nonexistent quality on that tissue-paper-thin skirt, here's my overall take on her: She's hyped as the first new G1 MH character in years, but literally NOTHING about her feels like she belongs to G1. Her box isn't in the G1 style, her clothes are old-timey Victorian instead of the punk chic looks G1 was iconic for, her face paint lacks the bold graphic style of G1 releases, I don't think she even has any chains which like? We had an entire movie about why that's ghosts' thing in G1?? There just isn't a single thing about her design that says 'high-school', and there's nothing about her execution that says 'collector', so you're just left to wonder...what even *is* she?


my 12 days of spring barbie guess was $60 😔

also, i'm not a doll collector, but i love these videos, there's something so fun and chill about them


regarding skulltimate secrets i think it would be possible to have it both ways. they could make lockers with compartments and drawers out of sturdy, thicker cardboard. it would probably be less expensive than giant plastic pieces as well.


Lenore was $137.40 Canadian with shipping. I HAD to have her as I am a huge fan of Edgar Allen Poe. Two things; I wish she came with the purple backdrop she is photographed with on the purchasing page and I wish all her plastic accoutrements were glow in the dark. I am still sort of hoping that is a secret surprise! I like the idea of having a signature doll by several designers and so don't want to miss out on this first one. Finally, I'm not sure about this, but the face looks to me like it might have actually been modeled on the portrait of Eliza Clement Poe, Edgar'a Mother. All Edgar Allen Poe's tragic loves bear a resemblance to each other and I respect that Rebecca Shipman wrote a poem for this doll too.


I think Ghoulia is the best Monster High character. Not sure why they don’t use her more.


stare into the draculorb to learn your fate


I’m a manager at BoxLunch so everytime I see something from our store on your channel I get stupid excited haha(: Love you!


I'm really looking forward to that barbie besties line. I got myscenes vibes as soon as i saw them
