This video explains how I became a Business Analyst. I hope my story inspires someone
Please subscribe to my youtube channel and also follow me on Instagram: @_nena_obasi
One thing I can take out of this is to get a good mentor 👍
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video, I liked and subscribed immediately. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.😃
Hi Nena, your story is inspiring, having someone hold you by the hand and walk with you is very important and makes you move faster. My journey as a business analysis started late 2021 that was before coming to Canada, the journey has not been easy and i feel like all the ginger i came into the country with is gone. Lolz. I really want to become a business analyst and would really appreciate your assistance in anyway you can.
im so happy for you! thank you for this video and sharing your experience
Yeah, its such a great motivation! Thanks for sharing!
This is very motivating ❤
Thank you for sharing
Kindness is like a look for atleast 10 persons and mentor them just like it was done to you and let them also mentor others as well😊
This video has really helped me…. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I am just about to get into the business analysis world, this video really helped
Just about to begin my Business Analysis journey, and your video is the first I’m watching 🙂 It felt relaxing ☺️
Nice video very informative and interesting you where so funny when you said you don't even know what they where teaching us oo 😂 congratulations Hun you did a good job for your self ❤
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is really inspiring
What I've taken from this are the mentor aspects, the subconscious thought process, ripping up the schooling teaching process and trusting in God.
All of the above have been activated on this day!
Honestly this motivation is what I needed
I made a decision to go into a new career path and I have been having fears about it. Thank you so much❤
Enjoyed this video. More of God's grace upon your life in Jesus name.
Wow nice talk that person really touched your life hope you'll be the doing the same to others and not monetize your own kind of help more greatness
You are a very good singer ! And Your voice is incredible
What did you then use while working if you didn't use any from what you were taught from Uni.
it’s me🤣🤣🤣🤣 love your energy😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I really need someone to hold my hands in this tech journey