Men Beware The Top Lies Women Tell You!

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Many men find it challenging to understand the lies women say when dating or in a relationship. In this video, I will expose how women lie so that you will not fall for the lies that women tell. Embrace these dating tips to have more clarity about the lies women tell men when they are not into them.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Top lies women tell you
- Lies women tell you
- Exposing how women lie
- Why women lie
- Lies women tell men
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video, Men Beware The Top Lies Women Tell You!

Watch this dating advice video next, 👉

Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


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WARNING: Watch out for wingmam impersonators in the comments asking you to contact "me" via Whatsapp or anywhere else. They are not me, and will ask you for money if you contact them.


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.

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You are speaking the truth. As a man, I've seen this said before by female feminists who are toxic and loud etc. My fiancée even knows she needs me as I need her. We love each other so much.


The problems the 80-20 rule. They'd rather share the top 20%, than to go for someone on there own level.


I'm not a woman, but a guy strongly attached to that "I can only truly rely on myself", and it's also true. The letdown part, the struggle to truly trust someone and rely on them but, deep down, I long for that deep trust.


I’ve had so-called GFs say this me several times in the past. Once I said, ‘We’ll see won’t we’ and dumped her. Another time I said, ‘Great, so you should be happy now that you are alone’ and walked away. U want to hurt me, welcome to equality!


I have said that as a man. It's true for everyone regardless of gender. No man (or women) is an island.


I trusted my wife 100 and gave her my all . Got fuxed . She hated my relationship with my mother . Men love your mama she is the omONLY woman who will be there trust me.


Amen Anna.
Alienation from each other is really connected to not just Trauma but a lack of connection to God our Creator & Christ our Redeemer.
God became man, in Jesus Christ, the Incarnation, to rejoin or reconcile us to God in a Right Relationship.
That IS the Gospel in a nutshell.
Every burden of brokenness that your excellent videos catalog are Healed & made Whole by God's overwhelming Power.
By which He WILL save the 🌎 world, AMEN.


True but I wouldn't call it "coloring of our relationships". The pain makes us less trusting, less loving and resentful.


"We all need someone". No, we don't. Men know when the sh!t really hits the fan we can only rely on ourselves.


You are certainly right in your assessment in a significant number of cases, however, there are plenty of women from stable homes who haven’t had a traumatic past relationship that are regurgitating what 3rd wave feminism has taught them through repetition via their media diet.


We are all sick of hearing "pay for me", pay for yourself and live alone FOREVER.


Need and want are two different things, she was born to love me and I was born to love her, this is something that one believes.Waiting.


The one thing I've learned is that if a woman is being unclear in her interest it's probably best to head on to greener pastures. I was always proud to have been respectful and friendly to others and I truly believe it has served me well in life but I have learned that instead of trying to win over those who are unclear in their interest it's far better to move on to new people.


if she says to you "i don't need anyone", she means "i don't need you", most certainly she doesn't say those words to the alpha chad or tyrone. women make rules for betas, and break those rules for alphas


This is a complicated question. It depends on the person and what his or her goals are in life and what his or her relationship with God is.




Thank you for helping us men understand how women think! You're great!


We are all interdependent in one way or another.. FACTS


I am so mad at my parents; I will never give them a daughter in law and I will never give them a grandchild.


Need and want are very different indeed..
Nobody really needs anyone..
